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Misuse of fingerprint in document

Hello all , I am person who suffers from OCD , and my biggest fear are fraud happening these days , is it possible if someone gets my finger prints from any object like a glass or bottle , can the fraud person misuse fingerprint and prepare any fake documents 

 8 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     18 November 2024

No is the answer. Finger impression, unless duly attested, does not amount to authentication.

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Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     18 November 2024

stop watching movies

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     18 November 2024

No answer can be given for your imaginary concepts which neither has any meaning nor having any legally.

In daily life plenty of people touch plenty of things, whether are they all subjected to any criminal activities?


Respected all , I am suffering from a mental disorder called OCD , I have been suffering from fears and phobias , recently I had even faced a credit card fraud , I feel common man is suffering from regular frauds , I want to hear from learned people , as I common man dont want to be a victim , my query was related to my phobias 



T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     18 November 2024

You may better be careful and adopt strict vigilance to not to become victim to any kind of fraud or scam.

It is purely your own care, no suggestions can be effective if you do not take care of yourself.


Sir please dont confuse me , I have a tendency of having panic attack 

Navaneeth E M   21 November 2024

Your concern is understandable, especially in today's age of technology. However, biometric systems, including Aadhaar in India, use encrypted digital templates of fingerprints. These systems do not store raw fingerprint images but create a unique mathematical representation. Lifting fingerprints from surfaces is a well-known forensic technique, but using them for fraud requires advanced technology, which is far beyond the capabilities of most fraudsters.

Legal safeguards:

The IT Act, 2000 (Section 66C) and The Aadhaar Act, 2016 (Sections 29 and 37) criminalize the misuse of biometric and personal data, imposing penalties and imprisonment for breaches.

Tips to protect yourself:

1) Use secure biometric devices with multi-factor authentication, such as a PIN or password along with fingerprints.

2) Monitor Financial Transactions

3) Be vigilant about sharing your Aadhaar number and biometric data. 

4) If you suspect that your fingerprints have been misused or if you notice unauthorized transactions, report it immediately to the authorities and your bank.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 November 2024

what your doctor says.

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