In Jan 2000 I taken loan of Rs. 1,85,000/- from Illegal money lender. Against loan amount I handed over original property papers to money lender & also signed 2 documents. 1. Sale agreement on 100 Rs. stamp paper.In this agreement I confirmed that against my property I have received Rs. 2lakhs of final amount of Rs. 3 lakhs from wife of money lender and after getting pending amount of Rs.1 Lakh in one year I hand over my property to wife of money lender. & 2nnd agreement I signed was POA on 100 rs. stamp paper. In this POA I authorize money lender to sale my property. I have learnt from reliable sources that in May 2005 he misused POA and transferred my property in his wife name. Though till today he never demanded possession of my property. Due to some extremely tough conditions i-e death of my parents mom & dad & my brother illness I am not able to confirm from office of registrar wether money lender really transferred my property to his wife's name by misusing unregistered but notorised POA in May 2005. Kindly guide me whether it is possible that he transferred my property to his wife's name by misusing POA , if yes than advice me how I cancel sale deed and take any legal action against money lender. Also suggest me in future if he demand possession of property can legaly I am in position to refuse possession of my property.