Respected Experts....
Thanks for all experts suggestions for my divorce matter... So, finally I have decided better to go with MCD, But I would like to ask some queries regarding to MCD
1) Is MCD possible after 16 years of marriage life with 2 kids??
2) What is the pre-preparation for MCD to file?
3) I am agrree for MCD, but I know that at my husband side they will not aggree so what should I do?
4) What reasons should I show in court for MCD as I am very much harrased both mentaly and physically?? But still I havn't made any police compains against them. Because I don't want to come in the criminal matter. I just simply want to get the divorce..
5) Can I file for MCD from husband's house without informing him?
6) After the MCD file can I go to rented home and do the job??
7) Will they harrase me if I'll go to live to rented home and do the job??