My father partitioned our ancestrol property in 1974 and he died in 1975. At that time I was minor. In this partition my brother got one property "A" and I and my mother got property "B". According to hindu successor act my mother cannot get anything from my grand father's propery (correct me if I am wrong). So my mother's name in property "B" is only as my guardian because at that time I was minor. As soon as I become major my mother's name should be delited from property record. My mother's name is still their in property record and my mother died in 1993. The property record shows my mothers name on top and my name below her name. Means it is like a jointly owned property. According to me it is my property after I become 18 years old. My mother's name is wrongly placed in the record even after I become 18 years old. Now how to remove my mother's name from the record. Kindly advise.