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Shree. ( Advocate.)     03 October 2008



Expenses incurred for a MP.(All in Indian Rupees)
Member of Parliament (MP) in India
Monthly Salary: 12,000
Expense for Constitution per month : 10,000
Office expenditure per month : 14,000
Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : 48,000
(For a visit to Delhi & return: 6000 km)
Daily BETA during parliament meets : 500
Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train : Free
(For any number of times - All over India)
Charge for Business Class in flights : Free for 40 trips / year
(With wife or P.A.)
Rent for MP hostel at Delhi : Free
Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units

Local phone call charge : Free up to 1,70,000
TOTAL expense for a MP per year : 32,00,000
TOTAL expense for 5 years : 1,60,00,000
For 534 , the expense for 5 years : 8,54,40,00,000 (nearly 855 cores)
And they are elected by THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, by the largest democratic
process in the world, not intruded into the parliament on their own or by
any qualification.
This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our
regular commodities.......
Think of the great democracy we have.............
Less than 1000 school dropouts rule 100 million people consisting of  Lawyers,Engineers, Doctors, , Artisans, !

Isnt it a shame! Still the people are fighting amongst themselves

 2 Replies

D.V.RamaKrishna (Advocate)     03 October 2008


Great Work done by you. Apart from wat you stated an MP/MLA or minister enjoys much more liberty than any other person, probably in the whole world.

Because any Central Government Employee has to retire by 60 years but if we look at the politicians majority of them are senior citizens without any retirement. Even after retirement or after the end of the tenure the ministers/mps'/mlas' enjoy financial freedom. Importantly you have forgatten the cost of security to our politicians.

Also if any government employee is arrested and remanded to police or judicial custody for a period of 48 hours or more then immediately his/her suspnsion from employment is inevitable. Whereas we have seen, due to the constitutional loopholes, the MPs' who were serving sentences of conviction and are in jails also went to the Parliament for voting during the recent No-Confidence motion against the Government.

It is not enough if the small percentage of intellectuals like lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers etc express their anguish over such state of affairs of our country. It is the common man right from small village man to president of our country thinks and votes and works for the benefit of the country.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     12 October 2008

Mere 855 crores- thus for 100 crores indians the cost of democracy is only Rs. 8.55. Probabaly we are running the most cost effective democracy in the whole world.

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