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Mr. shonee kapoor acquitted - spotless victory of truth !

Page no : 3

Kavita Pundhir (Senior manager)     17 March 2012

Many congrats Shonee is indeed a well deserved victory...ur a hero and icon in true sense for many....

The most important thing is that Mr Kapoor  has not only emerged a winner but has also kept his cool during these cases. I have seen many men loosing their cool and becoming women haters during these cases.

But hats off to Mr Shonee Kapoor, he has emerged as a 'Perfect Gentleman' during this trial. He has just proved that Situtations are smaller in front of us, it is us who can make or break them.

My heartfelt congrats to you sir...may god bless you always.




cm jain sir (ccc)     17 March 2012

Kavita mam , u r 100% right. He is perfect icon on how to fight these nasty cases filed by strange wives. We all have learnt many things from him.

Shonee sir is silent on this thread!

His comments and further guidance on these are awaited.


Congrat's, Mr Shonee Kapoor.

Wat's the details of your case ?

I think it's an hoax thread posted here, If it's real.

I request Shonee to highlight details for public interest.

Congrat's once again to all innocent victims.



Abhinatre Gupt.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     18 March 2012

its real dudes !

Lifeisgreat (None)     18 March 2012

Congratulations, Shoneeji.

MRRpersonality (Knows very little about Indian laws)     14 June 2012

congratulations shoneeji.   You must be feeling relieved!  We request you to continue helping others as you are a good role model for us.

saurabh (doctor)     24 June 2013

Congratulations Shonee Sir

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