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Rajan (Sr BDM)     26 August 2013

Msb infra structure not disbursing salary


I was working with M/s MSB Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (Also refers as MSB Group of Companies) , Netaji Subash Place, Pitam Pura, New Delhi. I had joined this organisation on 17th April as Associate Vice President and left the organisation on 5th July. As i left the organisation on 5th July so my salary was due for the month of June 2013 and 5 working days of July 2013. I was assured that all my salaries will disbursed on time. I have a written document on email that I was relieved immediately and I dont need to serve my notice period and also this will not have any kind of financial implications on me. Since then I have been communicating with the Director Sandeep Madan and he has stopped replying to me. He has appointed a HR Head Amritaa Shah who is such a stupid person, doesnt know how to handle HR. She has been giving such stupid replies on the mail. Seeking a legal advice how we can go about it and get our salaries released.


Rajan Madan

+91 9990343427


 5 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     26 August 2013

issue legal notice and proceed legally.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     28 August 2013

You seem to have all the documents on record.

Did you handover the charge and company property (if any) under proper acknowledgment? If you were asked not to attend the office then it was job of HR and MD etc to ensure completion of such and exit formalities.

If your resignation was accepted before expiry of notice period/date of retirement (resignation) it is contrary to the judgment delivered by 

Supreme Court of India

Nand Keshwar Prasad vs Indian Farmers Fertilizers…..

11. After giving our careful consideration to the facts and circumstances of the case, it appears to us that the law is well settled by this Court in a number of decisions that unless controlled by condition of service or the statutory provisions, the retirement mentioned in the letter of resignation must take effect from the date mentioned therein and such date cannot be advanced by accepting the resignation from an earlier date when the employee concerned did not intend to retire from such earlier date. It has also been held by this Court that it is open to the employee concerned to withdraw letter of resignation before the same becomes effective.

If your resignation was accepted before expiry of notice period/date of retirement (resignation) chosen by you the alternative for the company is to tender notice pay on its own, for the shortfall in notice period.

If the company has not allowed you to work during the notice period, it can not have any financial implications on you. It shall have implication on company.

It is the job of HR to process the FNF statement/settlement in time.

HR is not your employer.

If HR instead of supplying the correct FNF statement to you for acceptance by you is creating nuisance you may charge her by name and escalate to the MD, appointing authority, company Secretary………………………and demand acceptance of resignation by letter, correct FNF statement, Form16 as per correct FNF statement, payment of FNF dues by bank DD only service certificate, relieving letter, salary slips for all month, PF a/c slips……………………etc by redg. post only…………………so as to reach you in next say……………..7 days.

You may add that postage prepaid self addressed envelope ( as purchased from PO) is attached herewith.

If the MD also does not resolve the matter you have the option to issue legal notice and later approach appropriate forum which may be civil court within period of limitation………3Y.

At Delhi you can access lawyers par excellence. Many of the lawyers are expert at mediation, conciliation, arbitration and succeed to resolve the matter in favor of employee.

Discussion > Labour & Service Law > Disputes > Dispute regarding resignation and notice pay


Your lawyer can clarify if you would be covered as ‘Employee’ under Delhi Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, which is so employee friendly. The companies post payments of salary under expenses and have to maintain record. The Inspector under this enactment can check and call for records, and you may obtain it from the Inspector…………..if the need be………..

You may go thru provisions;

2. Definitions: (7)  “employee”  means………..

(8)  “employer”  means………

30. Notice of Dismissal: (a) Applicability of section 30…………………. In the absence of any standing orders or any contract between the employer  and  the  contesting  respondent  containing  any  particular  terms  or  conditions,  the conditions of service of the employee relating to his employment in an establishment at Delhi are covered by section 30(1) of Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954

33.  Records: (a) Particulars and forms of the records required to be maintained under section 33…………………… The register of employment and  wages is required to be kept in Form ‘G’ duly bound and pages serially numbered. Where, however, the opening and closing hours are ordinarily uniform, the employer may maintain such register in Form ‘H’ alongwith a separate register of wages…………………

(d)  Can  an  Inspector  require  an  employer  to  produce  the  record  in  his  office  for


35.  Inspection  of  Registers  and  calling  for  information.

37. Powers and duties of the Inspector: (b) Duties of the Inspector: (i)  that in dispensing with the services of an employee the provision of the Act and Rules have  been  complied  with  and  no  dues  payable  under  the  Act  or  Rules  have  been withheld;


Some employees by virtue of their position or proximity attain some kind of handle on company/employer and thus succeed in resolving issues in their favor.

There are threads to suggest that employees have been contemplating to file criminal complaint under sec 406, 420……………………………..and also to approach the employer/company as creditors treating the unpaid wages as debt………….e.g;

Discussion > Labour & Service Law > Disputes > Delay in full and final settlement payment

You may proceed as deemed fit at your end and as advised by your lawyer.

The lawyer hat has seen all of your documents, has analyzed the inputs can advice you the best.

There are many threads that you may find relevant;







Attached File : 715266078 delhi shops & establishments act, 1954.pdf downloaded: 117 times


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Rajan (Sr BDM)     19 February 2014


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