Plz advise seniors
Wife left me about 9 months back under her parent's pressure. she is not willing to reconcile or stay even if I'm willing to agree to conditions put down by her (discussed verbally).
4 months back she put 125 crpc case which is going in court only 2 dates so far. In that she filed same relief (amount) for both main and interim application. Charges are as per the usual - dowry demand, mental and physical cruelty
Now I get the notice for DV as well. Its almost same as 125 application. Identical wordings and same relief demanded. Sections are 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23.
Now what to do? my question is
Is it true that in DV cases interim relief is speedier than in 125? How to fight against this? any judgements?
The cases are in the same Magistrate court in Delhi as the girl is in delhi. I'm working in Bangalore and frequent travel is a pain. Can I ask magistrate for juridiction change? Can proceeding in one case be stayed until the other one is running. Which case should I ask the magistrate to stay on?
In DV case, if she gets order of residence... would she be required to stay with me in Bangalore in rented home or she can choose to stay in my own home (where old parents staying) in delhi itself?
she also filed 498a/406 complaint in delhi as we were in delhi for about 1 year after which i switched jobs. CAW cell pressurizing me to come on every date and that too in every 2 weeks? is this normal or maybe they have greased palms of IO at CAW cell? what to do? so many cases running... seems I'll have to leave my good job.
For fighting maintenance case what is best strategy?
----- dont give anything in ws and then bring evidences at later stage?
------- submit evidences with the ws ?
pls pls pls guide me seniors.