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MASTHAN (Self employeed)     22 October 2011

Muslim divorce


1. She filed false 498A, 125 Crpc cases


2. we approached quazi for divorce


3. Prononunced Triple TALAQ infront of quazi , she and other relatives.


4. qUAZI denied to register the TALAQ and to issue the divorce certificate


5. Finally sent a TALAQNAMA through advocate to her along with meher amount with a DD


6. She replied to TALAQNAMA saying not accepting and sent back MEHER DD.


Now what to do ?

 3 Replies

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     22 October 2011

My intention is not for re-marriage... my intention is give divorce to her and I want to shout in this world that "my divorce got completed with her"

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 October 2011

Repeated from diffirent forum.


It has to be served, serve anywhere, but do serve.





Shonee Kapoor

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     02 November 2011


Actually the notice served to her (my advocate sent it throguh registered post ) and she replied  to our notice through her advocate stating it is not valid as the 498A allegations are true there is not valid reason to give TALAQ. 
What we can do at this stage?
These advocates are simply eating our time. So I am of the opinion that it is good to file divorce at the family court . I searched may website for the same, every where they are talking about
1. NON judicial divorce, triple TALAQ and 2.DISSOLUTION-MUSLIM-MARRIAGES-ACT,1939 (which is meant for womens to get divorce).

Could you please let me know is there  a section through which we can file divorce on the ground of CRUELITY. ?

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