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Ronita (IT)     02 September 2014

Mutual case 2nd hearing


I have my Mutual Case second and final hearing in this month and my lawyer says that the judge who used was incharge of the case is on leave since his mother expired.

Can this happen? in that case will the court alot another judge on the same date for my second hearing?? or shud by case be moved to a different court since judge is on leave?

What shud be done now?

 6 Replies

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     02 September 2014

You will get another short date .

Ronita (IT)     02 September 2014

will the court not alot another judge?

I have already made my plans to travel from overseas, I cannot be travelling again. Please can someone advice

Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     03 September 2014

There will be another Judge allocated for the hearing




Chetan Joshi

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     03 September 2014

another judge will be allotted the cases and probably if both parties present then the second motion will be heard and settled

Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     03 September 2014

To take control of the situation, file an application with the Principal Judge or the Chief Judge as the case may be, and ask that the matter be posted for hearing and disposal at the earliest with any Judge. In the application provide details of your circumstances (you have come from overseas for the hearing) and the fact that the Judge assigned to the case is on leave. 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     07 September 2014

If you are traveling from abroad for this purpose alone, and if you find that the judge is not available on the date of hearing, as  suggested you can move an application before the district judge citing the reason and to grant an immediate date of hearing subsequently with the incharge judge for disposal (provided the matter has not been considered by the incharge judge).  You have chances to finalize the issues before your departure back.

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