Two opinions and out of them one is more suitable to generic husbands - which one you tell yourself !
ONE – Pay by cheque agreed amount and once cheque credits wait for 6 months to be over and keep pestering her for joining for second motion till 18 months. If she does not come by 17th. month then approach State’s HC and there you will get Justice (means you will get Divorce decree as residing is not appreciated by State’s HC when one party has fulfilled his obligation part). This involves getting high blood pressure for 17-18 months and huge money spent on HC’s lawyers legal fees as extra outflow.
TWO – Put all give and take as usual in a MoU /Agreement along with deposit a DD of agreed amount throwing in interest of 6 months too into it and deposit it in file of MCD First motion “subject to handing over by Court when Decree sheet prepared”. In this option she is bound to pester you just 2 weeks before 6 month about to finish to seek your presence for second motion. Also the money as per once state of mind is actually given before first motion only thing is it is annexed in a File and for the same her side cannot complain about your honesty J
For "outside court - lollipops" tell her "why we need decree in divorce; you go your way I go my way" Otherwise it is all game of who wants divorce desperately.