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gaury..fight to win (Education)     13 July 2012

Mutual divorce

I am fed up in living in shared household because of  daily disappointments in different issues.They each and every moment try to cause me mental agony.My husband is not ready to pay maintenance and I have applied it in court but the process is very slow.He has an affair outside the marriage since 04 (our marriage 01).I came to shared household for insecurity and also thought he will rectify himself if he sees kids daily and will be back to family again.But nothing  happened.

I want to go for mutual divorce if he buys a flat for me and custody of kids to me because i dont want any of my kid to grow up with another lady who kept affair with a married man and spoiled a family.

Is there any legal provision by which I can make him to arrange a permanent roof for me and my kids.I will never remarry and will dedicate rest of my life for kids.

Please advice.

Thanks and regards 

Gaury T

 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     13 July 2012

@ Author,


1. Point out Protection Order disobedience in same Court and pray for alternate relief i.e. for provinding separate residence and shift there with child.
2. With passage of time when the separate residence rent and upkeep of you and child becomes unbearable they themselves will come to table for MCD. At that time make them realize inflation cost of living and your after life years and resolve not to get re-married and ask them now to calculate how much is going to be enough to part ways mutually! Let them do the work for you.
3. Expedite DV proceedings by climbing to Sessions Court force pressing directions to lower Court to dispose all pending Applications in time-bound fashion with Order copy sent as compliance to Sessions Court.

Very limited options currently you may have to work around are my observations.

gaury..fight to win (Education)     14 July 2012

Thankyou Tajobsindia.

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