hi, my client made Love marriage on 2010.they have no proof of their marriage,now they want to go for mutual divorce,they have a female child of 1 year old .,Is the BIRTH CERTIFICATE of their child is eligible for marriage proof.? please clarify...
SHANKAR T (Advocate) 17 March 2013
hi, my client made Love marriage on 2010.they have no proof of their marriage,now they want to go for mutual divorce,they have a female child of 1 year old .,Is the BIRTH CERTIFICATE of their child is eligible for marriage proof.? please clarify...
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 17 March 2013
Brith certrificate of child is is not marraige proof. If they wasnt mutual divorce admission of both of them regarding marraige willbe sufficient.
SHANKAR T (Advocate) 17 March 2013
Thankyou .
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 17 March 2013