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Anonymous (NA)     03 December 2023

My case status says disposed - uncontested - settled in lok adalat

During 2021 Lickdown , I got a challan for overspeeding. It so happened that during peak corona, I was being moved to hospital at midnight and spent next 45 days in ICU recovering. I did not know how virtual courts worked but i had an option to contest there and i stated the facts of the case including how i was being moved at the time of the challan. The case was moved to a regular court and i was dumbstruck that i did a blunder probably. The case dates kept moving and now finally it shows disposed uncontested.

I did not goto any lok adalat etc. so did the Hon. Magistrate simply disposed the case off based on my submission at virtual court and this matter stands closed ? Your insights on this would be helpful.


 1 Replies

Shashi Dhara   03 December 2023

Take cerified copies of it and contact advocate.

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