I recieved call from my brother in-law who is a DON of his area in UP. I have seen him carrying illegal weapons.
He told that when they file a case in UP, I have to show up there in court or be arrested and kept there for few days.
Currently, I am in mumbai.
Now my question is : When my wife file a false 498a. I think from mumbai, I will be arrested and sent to UP. If I will be taken to UP, I am likely to be killed or they will surely attack me seriously.
1. How can I avoid going to UP, so that I can avoid attack?
2. I know I have to be present in court, over there if my wife file false 498a, IS they any way to transfer the case to mumbai, where I feel safe.... or any ground as such...
I seriously feel getting killed ... UP is place where one can shoot or give supari to another person. my Life is NOT cheap.