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Shashi Dhara   23 July 2019

Yes u can before that collect evidence secretly and file case

Kanwal Preet Kaur   23 July 2019

Shashi g plz tell what type of evidence??

Kanwal Preet Kaur   23 July 2019

it means I will bear her torture whole life.bcoz I have crossed the limit of 7years

Shashi Dhara   23 July 2019

U can file suit under domestic violence act also against Ur mother in law.
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Kanwal Preet Kaur   23 July 2019

I HV no solid evidence against domestic violence..she Tortured me verbly..dn wt to do?

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     23 July 2019

Yes you can file it any time , there are too many types of domestic violences are beside physical violence and they have no material evidences too , but the victim faces them , the court admits all those violences including verbal violence and give relief and protection to the victim , I suggest you for dowry case first collect some evidences before filing it .

Kanwal Preet Kaur   23 July 2019

🙏🏻🙏🏻 thanks g for suggestions and moral support at this crushul tym ..and I'm mentally disturbed bcoz of did.

Kanwal Preet Kaur   23 July 2019

this problem.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     24 July 2019

Originally posted by : OM PRAKASH
Dowry case should be filed within 7 years of marriage, though people may file it after 10/15 years of marriage also, but the success chance is 0.


Not able to agree fully.  7 years embargo is there fopr presumption of dowry death if the death is unnatural and within 7 years.  After 7 years it will be dealt with normal case of instigation of suicide/murder as the case may be.


Other crimes relating to marraige are not time barred after 7 years.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     24 July 2019

Actually you can file criminal case.


But since you have tolerated for 12 years just thinking whether you can do it or not (insted of dialing 100 on first chance)  you have shown yourself to be liking torture which you may not like to miss in life.


So no point advising people like you who will take no action.

Kanwal Preet Kaur   24 July 2019

my jeth and jethani also give full support to my mother in law..they always used cheap comments for me... thrice of dem tortured me..I passed through 4 major surgeries . they never support me dat tym .I always go to my parents house.. father in law was died 16 year ago.. whole property is on the name of mother in law.she always threatened to my husband to bedakhal from property bcoz he supports me.. now it's very difficult to bear all mental torture .. now I became the patient of diabetes , high BP and early age..plz suggest what to do?

Kanwal Preet Kaur   25 July 2019

sir if I do police complnt my mother in law do bedakhal to my husband from the property..then??

Kanwal Preet Kaur   25 July 2019

plz suggest anyone???

surinder mittal   26 July 2019's matter related to fear of bedakhli...??

Ms. these 12 years, please recall happy moments also...don't be on one sided opinion.

filing any case will give Sparks to your every fear..

even court says -- when the issue comes in public (police or court), the chances of restitution falls to 10%.

So, think and Act as per ur unbiased heart.


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