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sagar (student)     12 November 2009

my previous employee is not paying my salary

one of my friend worked for an australian out bond australian company for 2 months .she was promised to be paid 10,000 per month as stated in the offer letter.

                                                            for the first month she received 3000 as salary by the hr ,no details were provided regarding the salary like basic ,DA,TA,HRA and when she asked why such a low amount the hr replied first month is training period  .

           initially at the time of joining hr verbally agreed to that there were no sales target. later ,on the completion of first month she was forced to agree for sales target of 12 per month and this was done verbally and no written documents were signed regarding this,

                                       in the second month she had taken 4 leaves out of which 3 are un-authorized  and one is authorized. an authorized leave will result in deduction of 400 and the un authorized will result in deduction of 800,summing upto 2800.

                        she  just  attained 5 sales for that month. later on resigned the job on the due completion of the month.

                    when she asked for the salary the hr said there are not going to pay anything for as she is short of sales and she took 4 leaves for that month.

                          as we enquired  this is not only the case with him he behaved similarly with previous employees.

          so can any one suggest  further action to be taken against him,so that i can get my salary and he should not repeat it with others

 2 Replies

deepak johari (consultant)     16 November 2009

if employer give your friend  offer letter to be paid 10,000 per month , not mantain any perks this is not a matter he is livele to pay  rs- 10,000 training & working period 

                                                            you can discuss local lobour inspecter & short out matter with simple application

aruntrivedi (lawyer)     25 November 2009

File fill in application form being proivded by Asstt. Labour Commissioner i.e. he is Conciliation Officer who will send them summons and call them for resolving your complaint if not then matter shall be referred to labour court - you can fight it out there and get your all dues.

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