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Siddharth (Manager)     23 July 2022

My right on maternal grandparents property

Dear lawyers, kindly help me regarding this issue.

My grand parents were virtuous, righteous and innocent hardworking people in village.
After the marriage of their both sons, they both were
illtreated and neglected by their sons and daughter in laws.
Daughter in laws kept harassing them for assets.
After my grandfather's demise both the uncle's have shared
the property and my grandmother was severely
illtreated and abandoned. She stayed with her daughter i.e my mother.

As fate would have it,after couple of years both of them
i.e my mother and grandmother passed away.

Those days it was believed that daughter won't have right
over her parents property (it was in 2008) and my uncles didn't
give any share to my mother.

So do I have legal right to get my mother's share in the property of my maternal grandparents?

Can I sue or file case on my uncles to get my part of the share?

 2 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     24 July 2022

It could that the property is not ancestral. If so, you have aright in grandfather's prperty through your late mother.

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     25 July 2022

You can claim the property of your mother from her ancestral property.

File a suit for partition, possession and mesne profits through a local prudent lawyer.

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