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ketan j shah (own)     28 June 2010

n i act

dear sir ,


i am a complainant in sec. 138 case , i have file case in all correct way , all prosudger has done , now in this court judge transfer a new judge , he was not proper , corrupt judge , but there is no proff , but in other case judge is demanding from me rs. 1.00 lac & change advocate on record as his instruction , i refuse both of this offer , so he was very angray to me & now he says to not come this court ,

so i have doubt in this n i case , this judge is not proper way of this case , so i want to transfer this case to other court , is it possible or not , can you giving any judgements of higher court , what reason giving in transfer application , becouse of there is no proff on record , this is all verbal talk ,

so now what to do guide to me ,


 8 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     29 June 2010

You can get transfer the case .  When judgege is like this directly make an allegation against the judge to the high court and submit before the court without hesitation that You have no confidence  on you You would take the transfer.

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     29 June 2010

Plan a trap with the help of vigilence department.

ketan j shah (own)     29 June 2010

dear sir , 


thanks for your replay , but in which sec. , cr.pc. 407 or 408 ,

what reason giving in the application , do you have any judgments abot this issue , high court or suprim court any cittation please send it me on my email , , 


thanks . 

ketan j shah 

Basavaraj (Asst, Manager-Legal)     29 June 2010

Mr.ketan j shah, first of all your allegation cannot be accepted beacuse these you cannot disclose and chat on this platform. How can you discuss without any documentry evidence. I dont understand how my learned friends expressed without veiwing realty, how can we rely on this person.

I do agree with SKJ. it is really surprising.

Mr.Ketan, why you want higher court judgments for this issue. If you have a problem or if your really vitcum or you have gots or you are a genuine person go and file a complaint in concerend high Court, why are u discussing here.

I think you are not honest person it appears from your mail. If you rally honest gohead with the compalint or media with documentry evidence. Every body is equal under the law, nobody can evade from the law, please understand.


ketan j shah (own)     29 June 2010

dear sir ,


i am honest that`s why syffrring from this judges , you know about all this judges styal of work , if you not know about corruption than what can i do , i demand any judgement about transfer of case , not for corruption  , in judiciary is so high corruption is running at present ,

i want only guide for the transfer of case to another court , i know that nobody except my possittion , becouse of theres is no eveidance for this issue , & everybody doubt for me , this is the actual possittion of judiciary  , hardly so littal judges are not  good , i also appriciat that so many judges are also very good , not involved in corruption , but some of the judges are involved in corruption , that`s whay judiciary suffer . otherwise indian judiciary are very good in all world , i know that . i am also part of the judiciary .

FUTURE LAWYER (future lawyer)     30 June 2010

Dear sir ketan j shah, if you really suffring please contact ur local advocate, or your personal advocate to come out from this issue rathen than chating in this fourm.

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     08 July 2010

Are you sure that you can find a non-corrupt person?

ketan j shah (own)     09 July 2010

no , at present there is no chance for finding non corrupt person in governments departments of any , this is  the fact , yes ,

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