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Daksha V Kharche (h/w)     31 July 2012

Name change

I am daksha before my marriage my name is Aruna and after hidu marriage producre my name change in my husband home change to Daksha and my all proof like ration card living certificate is ARUNA BUT TILL MOMENT WE WANT TO CHANGE IT AND I MY TAKE THE MARRIAGE ACERTIFICATE ALSO SO GIVE ME THE ADVICE HOW TO CHANGE RHE MY NAME


 1 Replies

Adv Rohit Dalmia 9324538481 (Lawyer)     31 July 2012

Dear Daksha, You need to apply for the name change in the official gazatte issued by the state government. Once you get the copy of the gazatte with your name change you can file a attested copy of the same before the rationing officer and other authprities for your name change in their record. This will help you even for your name change in the passport.

incase of any legal assistance you may call on 09324538481.



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