I have submitted application for my name change in Gazette department. once I receive document from gazette indicating that my name has been changed , do I need to submit Affidavit and news paper cutting too where ever I want to update name? or only gazette notification will suffice?
In my Affidavit and New paper add infront of my father's name D/o "Shri" has been added for respect but in foreign countries people might not understand hence in Print and CD matter I have removed it. is it fine? can gazette take objection and reject my application?
If gazette dept. accepts above difference but later when I want to update name in passport and PPF account , respective people will accept it ? since "Shri" is present in Affidavit and Newspapers add but not present in gazette notification?
Mr.,Mrs may be seleced as title.............
The publication made once may suffice for all future reference.....