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gk (Service)     09 July 2016

Name mismatch and further formality

Respected Experts,

I am making this query for my cousin sister in Chennai.

10 Years back while she was submitting the PF a/c. opening form through her employer, the name mentioned is ANITHA DEVI (this is not real name, I mentioned as an example). And she submitted the copy of the School TC with this name as a ref. document. She is not much educated and after her school she joined for some employment to help her parents for finacial support. But everybody is calling her from her childhood as ANITHA and the DEVI part has been somehow forgotton even by her or parents. Later in Ration Card and Election ID her name has been recorded by them as ANITHA only. As I said above, her DEVI part has been forgotten by all of us since it was only in that TC. Years back she retired from her employment due to health condition and now trying to withdraw the PF amount and submitted the application. But she received an info saying that her name is mismatching and submit the original TC for verification etc.

Unfortunately the Original TC been misplaced / Lost. (She completed her school in 1978/1979). At this situation what we could do for further proceedings. Some of my friends was telling that there is no way and she will lose the PF amount. Without this Original TC, whether there is any other solution to resolve this issue to get the money? Because it is the hard earned balance they all expecting that they could survive in the future. IF so. to whom we need to consult or what are the formalities to be done. We will be very much appreciated, if you could hel us to get out of this tough situation - yes for her it is really a very serious and hard problem - as I said, it is the matter of her only saving to suvive with her aged father.    

Please provide your valuable advices and supports.

Thanking you

with best regards


 3 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 July 2016

Repeated Query.


Continue in other (one and original) thread.

kameswarao S (Head HR)     09 July 2016

If possible try to get a duplicate from the school concerned or talk to the PF authorities & submit an affidavit


gk (Service)     09 July 2016

Respected Rao Sir,

Thank you very much for your quick advice and Noted the same, to proceed further.

Best Regards

with Pranam.


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