i am in army there is instruction written that mobile phones are not allowed in the classed & the examination hall . in my final exam there was an annoucement made by the one invigilator that anybody caarying the mobile keep it switched off on a table so i did.later ther were asking someone that as to why he is carrying a mobile then i thought there is some confusion in carrying the mobile so i called my invidilator & asked the same is there any confusion regarding mobile so she shoute & said as to why i was carriny the mobile then i explan her there was a annoucment made so i followed that then she switched on the mobile & checked whethere there is material in it or not so there was a material for same exam i explain her that the switched off mobile can not help me that isall togather diffrent that material is in side oir not which could have helped me writing my exam...how to explain now she is charging me & taking action .she is giving a big punishment.