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goutam pradhan (manager)     27 November 2012

Need advice here is the total story

Hi everyone I  am having a great problem. Me and my gf are of same age and we both luv each other  very  much. And we want to marry each other in future .but now a days some problems which we both are suffering are she is from Rajput cast from bihar and I am a khandyat from Orissa. She is living in assam and I live in Orissa. Her parents knew about us and they take her from Orissa while her studies are going on. They will only allow her to appear the exam . Now her parents are trying to fix her marriage in their cast and  she is completely against it.but they have given her many tortures and also she once attempted suicide,but thank god she is alive. Her parents are not allowing her to go outside ,not allowing to touch the mobile phones or to I am very much stressed. my age of birth is 1992 (or)20+ and she is of the same.

                      So now I want to know what will I do further. Her  father is threatning me and his father is in police thats why I have the fear. And I have no formal relationship with my gf. So these are my questions to all experts please prefer me the best way with your contact no. so I can contact you  for further details.

(i)what sbout the habeous corpous?can I use this one?

(ii)kya main use bhaga ke le jaun?

(iii)i can’t go to Arya Samaj or I dnt have any chance to marry her in mandir or court because her parents are not allowing to go outside and she is very far away from me.

(iv) If I want to give a fir on her parents then?

(v) And if she complains to the police then?

Please explain me every point please…it’s a very serious matter…..

 7 Replies

Self service (None)     27 November 2012

Sincere suggestion- Forget her. Reasons are two 1: Her father in police and 2:Her Parents are not supporting.

Under both cases your life will turn in living hell.

You are young and at this stage focus on your future.

Do not try to find out legal solution because practically no effective  legal system in India,  you will spend youth in courts and police station.

My advise is based on similar case where father was in police and daughter married to guy without his consent. Later same girl lodged compliant of kidnap and rape under pressure of her father. If you have little sense forget her.

goutam pradhan (manager)     27 November 2012

wow what a reply agar chodna hota toh kabkka chod diya hota

but i cant do  it

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 November 2012

Tell us what is so different to this duplicate posting of yours which was earlier replied by many including me for the same cause title ?

Above being material here are specific last reply atleast from my side;

For your 1 -
HCP will not stand as she is major and is in protection of her natural guardians and they know what is best for a student major age female child of theirs. HC will ask you this very question before throwing your HCP off the Bench and also reprimand you of your under-age (20 years - phew and may give sermon to concentrate on your studies first and earn a living then think of marriage all done and said off the records by Lordships). Lastly HCP is very expensive legal fees wise and admission wise is most tricky in reference to context.

For your 2 - You are under-age (20 years old) running away with major age girl raises possibilities of grave Penal actions if one wants to hence drop such grandstand Chandragupta Maurya ideas.

For your 3 - There is no question here but worldly wide self realization hence no reply from me on this para 3 is necessary.

For your 4 -
A minor such as you who is just 20 years old even if you lodge Police Complaint then your Complaint will end up just as GD entry and no action will be taken for a simple reason of Jurisdiction. For action to be taken you next need to approach State's HC under its HCP Jurisdiction then para 1 reply will play its role hence not repeated here.

For your 5 - You donot have a clue if she will or she may not as she is in her natural parents protection right now without any means of communication to tell you the same.

What is serious matter as per Law and society if I may mix both is that a student should study and earn a living to sustain jolts of marriage first of all. Secondly you are under-age being 20 years on top a male hence police r/w judiciary will not pay you much help until you attain 21 years old age which is majority age as per Law. Until then finish your studies and stand on your own feet and then showcase to her father (family) that you genuinely can take care of such marriage for all parties comfort / happy ending.

By the way I am with you on half page and not on same full page to raised repeated query my only observation revolves around you being 20 years age and not your caste / religion / State / Student status. Had you been 21 years old and asked more or less same questions my response would have been better. Try next year when you turn 21 years old and until that time somehow pass out from your current studies looking at her photo in your wallet is my neutral view. Donot worry unless she also completes her studies most probably her parents will not marry her off is consolation point here if it helps!.


1 Like

goutam pradhan (manager)     27 November 2012

thanq for this but this is for me is as pre advice ....k fine i am under age i.but if she copmlaints thats her marriage is forcefully and he wants study or any other  execpt turning the topic towards me then.

leave aal the thing from mah side. let i am 21 and then what can she do or frm my side...plz advice


how she will get rid of her own from her parents against marriage ..can she complain that her marriage is force fully or anythng ?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 November 2012

1. You have 1 more year wait until then I will myself reply as I rarely forget unfinished issues.
Your bal gopal story will be total when you attain 21 years age as per Law and not today is my last view herein.

2. Until then re-read daily what @ Self Service replied to you and understand him to which you commented in a hurry as "what a reply ....XXX".

[Last reply]


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goutam pradhan (manager)     27 November 2012

koi toh rasta hoga jiske duara atleast wohbach sake apne parents ke tortures se aur shadi se......mujhe chodiya mera age nahi hua he i believe. bas ushke liye kuch advice de dijiye

Samuel (CEO)     27 November 2012

This deal with Love no Judiciary involved at this stage. ( May I know why multiple posting--???)

1. YOu both be strong and stubborn on your love let years run finally you will get fruiful days.

2. I can understand your insecurity and urge to make something legally, Even if there are ways will you be afford to do?

3. What advice you expect from this forum, when you are not legally qualify for marriage?

4. When you dont have ears to listen for advices, how will you able to satisfy girls parents and win thier confident.

5. If you believe in your LOVE, pass the message and support your GF and you both stand together.

I am sorry brother, You dont have to give up your love but you need to wait patiently to prove yourself to society and her parents.


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