My friend loves his father's father's brother's son's daughter.They want to marry each other.Is this marriage is legal in hindu?
If not what they can do to marry eachother.
Thanks in advance.
nandu (juu) 24 October 2011
My friend loves his father's father's brother's son's daughter.They want to marry each other.Is this marriage is legal in hindu?
If not what they can do to marry eachother.
Thanks in advance.
nandu (juu) 24 October 2011
Please advice...
kumar t v s (advocate) 24 October 2011
Father's father is grandfather.
Grand father's brother is also grandfather.
Grandfather's son is Like father i.e. same GOTRA and SAPINDA hence marriage is not advisable.
However the marriage may be considered if either of them is adopted by another gotra person.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 24 October 2011
Father's brother is also grandfather.
Father's , father's brother is brother to the father. So brother's ons's daughter means she is grand daughter to the father, so such marriage is void in Hindu Law.
nandu (juu) 24 October 2011
What are the options to marry each other?
They are in love since 5 years and they can't live without each other.
kumar t v s (advocate) 24 October 2011
What are the options
the marriage may be considered if either of them is adopted by another gotra person.
Please do not repeat the same question.
nandu (juu) 25 October 2011