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Lucky (SSE)     14 October 2013

Need experienced suggestion

I filed divorce case after getting a threat from my wife for dowry etc. but then she is saying she don’t mean it just said that in anger only and not filed any false case against me yet (its approx. 10 months now when I filed the case). She is very influenced by their parents who are the main culprit behind all this and she is bit short temper as well. If I want give one chance please suggest me what precaution I need to take care legally as my case is in court they not came on first date so I served the notice again for 2nd date.

 6 Replies

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     14 October 2013

It seems u r residing together. 

Carry on. 

don't do anything now. 

Lucky (SSE)     14 October 2013

No She is at her parents place from last 10 months.

Lucky (SSE)     14 October 2013

No Sir, She is at their parent's home from last 10 months.


Your query is not a complete query carries the body of your case and lastly what you want?

According to your half brief, I could only suggest you the following:


1. If you want to give her a chance on her version then take in written infront of witness on stamp paper legaly drafted as what she had said and in future if any case arises then she will be whole and sole responsible for that.


2. If she is residing along with you then your divorce will not carry any weightage and further it will collapse in lack of strong evidences of non-cohabitation.


3. Don't withdraw your Divorce let it be dismiss by default till then notice her behaviour and scrutinize on record that is you have to get record all the activities done by her for your later stages of protection from false cases.


4. I don't say that you don't  give a second chance to your wife if she had not filed any false cases till now,but yes don't take anything as granted because "A carnivorous animal get's addicted once the taste of blood get's into his/her mouth.


5. Now let her prove that she is Sita type wife and till then you don't do anything just be neutral and give her chance to prove herself.




Lucky (SSE)     14 October 2013

Thanks Saroff and SUfferer for ur replies,

@Sufferer- She is not residing with me from last 10 months actually thing is they have a ego peroblem and their parents have done many worng thing with me but i have a bit trust on her but keeping me and my family safe i want give chance to her but as u suggested "written infront of witness on stamp paper legaly drafted" no court will acccept that leter if any thing happen and if she sey she sign that in social pressure it will not gona help me. As my case in court now what i need to do on next date to give her chance.


Dude, In this whole world nobody can take the guarantee of your wife or yourself as next second what she will do and what you will do to her.

But if you are so much unsafe then why are you acting here illogical with side you need everything with bond which can't be broken and if broken then she would be sued. My bro......if you have this much doubt then I won't suggest you to live with her. Because no court gives Guarantee ...Lets take example even in Domestic Voilence case where Protection officer comes and see her allright make a report and vanish away and next hour that women might be blown from her husband or any members.(This incidence Iam talking about from the remote areas where urbanization is not there).

So,what you will say as Court has given the protection order,then where is the protection?? as the accused has done his work and protection officer reaches when the scene is over.


So,dude in this matterialistic world no body carries any thing as granted,it's your will to live with her or not. If you have doubt on her ,then better move away don't spoil two lives. As your relationship will be like a spy only where you will not feel as husband rather than detective agency working for unknown reason without satisfaction or remunareation till you won't get divorce.


Now,I will stick to the decision that if you want to give chance then it's on your risk as those legal paper's can only prevent you for some time beings but if you say whole immunity then Iam sorry,there is no legal procedeure to draft ones thought on paper as what he/she will do next second and bind it with Law.



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