Originally posted by : Sachin |
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Originally posted by : Helping Hand !
Few members namely sachin, stanley, whatnot, autohide etc think that I am customer hunting in this forum. Few of those who took advise from me know it very well that I dont charge fees, these have graduated themselves to giving advise to others, so please do refrain from passing lewd below the belt remarks against me.
Everybody knows how cheap you are........
Let me remind you that you suggested a husband that he can file case of Domestic Violence Act and you further wrote that you will PM him a judgement of SC for futher guidence.
May I know is it charity work or client hunting....... |
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Putting a kids face on your ID wont make you one.
Your language shows why you are facing this situation where you dont even have a advocate to represent you forget your wife standing by you.
Anyway what I suggest you is dont give mis-leading advise with your half baked brain, this will just create more confusion for the advise seeker.
First come out of your cases, then based on your experience you can advise people on this forum or elsewhere.
So that DV case guy was you. I rather not help people like you, for you are not courteous and gentle. Learn to be courteous and be reasonable when you ask for help from experts. Always address experts as Sir to begin with this will help you get good advise for that point anybody.
Please dont assume yourself to be some gangleader of sorts here on this forum or you are not Arnab Gowsami who used to tell The nation wants to know.. when you talk about cheapness. Yes, I am cheap, for free advise has no value at all until it is followed.
So for your own good stay away from passing such lewd comments on public forum which shows your class! I have reported your posts to the admin.
Please dont break your head, get drunk and post some more idiotic messages on the forum. Maintain decency and decorum of the forum Sachin. You have a nice name, one that of the greatest cricketer of all time, try to behave nicely for the sake of the great name you have, at the least of it.
Take care boy.
please visit my profile page at