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Gaurav   20 April 2016

Need help for a worker who was charged wrongly

I know one technician. Recently he visited his home towm Aligarh. he was travelling on his bike when he was hit by a big vehicle (unidentified). He fell on one side of the road and got fainted. The same vehicle then hit an policeman and rammed over him crushing his head. (he died on spot). Next day story came in news paper that a bus/truck killed policman. So far the vehicle is untraceable. Now the case is the technicains father got a call one day that an FIR has been registered aganst his son for drunk driving and hitting a policeman. The bike was also siezed by policeman.

Now these people are afraid to go to the police station and saying that its been one month and they didn't get any other call so its better to stay off.

Now what could I guide him...

Any help is appreciated !!!


 2 Replies

Chandan Kumar Pandey   20 April 2016

क्या टेक्निसियन ने उसके साथ हुई घटना की कोई सूचना पुलिस को दी थी? एफआईआर किसने लिखाया है? एफ आईआर लिखाने वाले की सूचना का स्रोत क्या है(क्या उसने स्वयं घटना देखी है या सुनी है) कुछ बातें स्पष्ट होंगी तभी कोई सलाह देना उचित है।

Gaurav   21 April 2016

Thanks Chandra Kumar Panday Ji,

इस बात की जानकारी के लिए तो उसे पुलिस स्टेशन जाना होगा । वो थोड़ा डरा हुआ है । क्या कुछ तरीका है के बगैर उसके जाये कुछ जानकारी मिल सकती है । या  फिर क्या में उसे समझा सकता हु की बगैर किसी डर के जा सकते हो । मामला उ.प. पुलिस का है इसलिए थोड़ा है में भी sure नहीं हु । 


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