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rakesh   17 June 2018

Need help from expert as i want to come out from my marriage situation as my wife is harassing me for money

hi my name is umesh as i had got married in temple with divorce girl in 2013 and we had not registered also in my case she had a one daughter from first marriage and her daughter is now 16 yrs old and having contact with his father .from 2014 i am living separately for my job and she living in ngp with her daughter she never call me ,she only cal me for monthly money if i not give she told she put the case on my family sir i am very simple nature i am alone earning in my family and i am only a chid in my family my father and mother is living in my home town in chanda .another thing would to disuss with you i dont have child from our marrige when i ask she refuse i am not geeting a way as she is not intrested to living with me where i had job she say if you move anywhree i will not come with you and want only monthly money we dont had married life also and she is not ready to divorce as she say i will not do .she is only intresed in her daughter .pl suggest which prodedure i want to go so that i can have a better life i also not want a divorse but she is not living with me good and not respecting me and my family pl suggest a way and pl give opioin on my marrige as it is legal .also pl suggest can i do secound marriage as she is not leaving with me from 5yrs .she is now saynig that she knows mahila mandal and i will not leave you .

i want to leave with her and i want our family also but she not understanding i want my child but she is refusing pl give me a way .

 16 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     17 June 2018

the qstn of divorce doesnt come unless the marriage is legal. Do you have certificate from temple authorities about the alleged marriage?

rakesh   17 June 2018

Not having any certificate only they had taken photo in temple with haar

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     17 June 2018

According to my opinion it is not a valid marriage at all

rakesh   17 June 2018

She is not ready for divorce as saying I will not do third marriage. She is getting money from first husband on the name of her daughter. If I ask or any questions she shoute on me loudly I want to keep calm. What can I do I am not getting any right person or way my life is going so.

rakesh   17 June 2018

I don't have any marriage proof with me not registering. But still for relationship I obey everything but she never respect me nor respond me if she not get money she become embarrassed and shoute and say I came in office and your job get gone. What is a way to come out I am giving her more than my limit. Pl experts suggest a way so that now I take any decisions

Aman chawla (DELHI HIGH COURT ADVOCATE)     17 June 2018

Sir, If she is not agreeing for Mutual Consent Divorce, then you should proceed with Contested Divorce on the ground of mental cruelty and desertion as provide U/S 13(1A) (1B) Hindu Marriage Act.



Aman Chawla



rakesh   17 June 2018

Read more at: I really want true help as I am engg but I don't have married life I only doing due to fear there is every thing I purchase lavish thik but in front of her brother she tells this I purchase by her I had purchased.

rakesh   17 June 2018

Amanji but I don't have married proof so give me a right way so I will do. I really frustrated only giving money every month and she never had any care any response for me.

rakesh   17 June 2018

Amanji but I don't have married proof so give me a right way so I will do. I really frustrated only giving money every month and she never had any care any response for me.

Aman chawla (DELHI HIGH COURT ADVOCATE)     17 June 2018


If you have marriage photograph and marriage card that will be enough for filing a Divorce case.



Aman Chawla

Aman chawla (DELHI HIGH COURT ADVOCATE)     17 June 2018

But don't forget to put strong averments in your Divorce petition in regards to  Mental cruelty, and in desertion, you just need to prove that you both guys are not living with each other from last past 2 years and she has voluntarily left your company and is not ready to join your company.

If you still need any guidance you can contact me.



Aman Chawla

rakesh   17 June 2018

Request all expert pl suggest me a right way pl

rakesh   17 June 2018

Request all expert pl suggest me a right way pl

j.udayaraju06@gmail .com (B.A.,LL.B, B.G.L.)     01 September 2018

All the matters depending on material and provable evidence and invalidity and legality of marriage and real fact of case . in my opinion, you have plus point, and consult near by good experienced in family court Advocate, and go according to his advice, I, hope , you will out of your problem. J.Udayaraju, Advocate.

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