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Singha Rao (Engineer)     03 March 2013

Need help on rcr

Hi all,

  As per my past query, I am plannng to file RCR soon. As my wife, hr mother and father all are playing differently, so I thing beter to file one time RCR. Although I have some of her recording and and some allegation against her, bur in RCR I am now including all these allegations. Here just I wanted to include that I want her..

 So if in RCR hearing he will tell many allegations against me, and if it will cross my limit then I will file all her allegation (may be I will convert to divorce).. In such case my query is that:

  • Is the same judge will make the proceding of our case or it will be different?
  • If same judge and if he will be with both RCR and divorce file in her hand, then judge may ask that if you had such allegations, then why you did not mentioned all these in RCR? In such case how shall i defend?
  • If RCR will be too long and during this hearing she may tell many false allegation against me? In such case may be I need to open all my hidden prrof, or shall I be silent and during next case I will use as prrof frommy side?
  • If some problem, in between RCR then can I drop my case and can I change to divorce?


Please help me in this regards..

 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 March 2013

Your dual strategy may backfire upon you is my view.
If you believe in healthy matrimony and feel some minor past incidence between couples caused such break-up and have a gut feeling that with initiating RCR she would come back to your arms then forget hiding in your pockets so called allegations cards while approaching her.

Now, like you said if you are scheming and feel that I must test which side my beloved camel will rest before throwing in last blanket then be noted that today this camel has been given very long rope and it is not advised to approach any Court with in one open hand shouting I want my wife back and in another closed hand scheming if she comes I will bootcamp her, I mean this is not done thing now-a-days, use upper story not Ashoka the Great’s storyline in 22nd Century India.

What basically you will end up into is all your so called wrongs gets highlighted by same ld. Judge in his/ her voluminous page final Judgment whichever multiple hand today and later tomorrow you approach same Court with in reference to summing up your brief.

Hence make up your mind one final time before burning money on litigations i.e. you want her back and feel she will come back running into your arms then file RCR and if you want to get rid of her then file divorce and all those so called alleged to be silver cards (allegations / proofs / recordings etc.) can jolly well be used at evidence stage in a divorce proceedings.

Also note if a wife is not interested to come back then RCR decree by a husband is just paper decree all during its limitation period which later enables him to seek divorce or to show to a criminal court that she has counter blasted upon you and meanwhile who knows she may shower upon you book of various women special laws then you are back to square one i.e. in history books.  

1 Like

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     03 March 2013

Singarao, in your first query itself , clearly explained to you. 

However Tajobs gave more details, it will ultimately backfire you, you need to do RCR only if you want her back.

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