My spouse had filed divorce case an year ago. I received the summons only september 2012. the hearing is on 25th september 2012, Would it possible for me to ask the hon. judge to provide additional time to appoint an advocate? will the judge agree? seconldy my wife didn't mentioned in the bangalore court that the RCR is pending in chennai court which i filed on June 2012. The wife is interested in getting a divorce so that she can put maintenance.. so try INGall sort of things so that summon doesn't reach on time, summons were not submitted.
Also in the summon that i received 3 weeks go its told that i need to come to court in person on 25th september 2012, at 11 a.m.. I'm sure that the court always start at 10 a.m. in the morning, i don't why its mention as 11 a.m. in the sumon.
My spouse had taken my gold, house hold items + money . so i'm just depending upon my salay , if the court orders more alimony, it would be difficult. How to ensure that i avoid / give less alimony, I've proof for sending money to her via bank transactions upto >10L would that be sufficent proof. to prove and avoid alimony. MY FIL, MIL &spouse had totally ruined my bank balance. I'm currently in a very bad shape from a monetary perspective..My salary is around 50k per month but need to pay rent 15k, house hold expenses - 10k and the 10k for my parents who lives in anohter city (parents are old , they're retired and they dont have pension)
pleas reply.. its urgent..