From your draft above it seems you are qualified . Hence i dont think so the court would grant maintanence to you as the opposite party would argue on this basis . As for the children if it is proved that you are qualified and capable of working or have worked earlier than maintanece is co-extensive for the children . As to the time for grants its a herculian task with a no of rounds to the court waiting all day till your name is called for and than one day one counsel is absent and the next date the next counsel is absent and one day the judge too is absent and this being summer vacation time the court may be closed for the month of May hence it is difficult to predict the same .
My advice to you is one day visit the court premises and talk to people who are attending court dates and you would realise 
I Disagree with Mr Tajobs below point
" that IM should not exceed 60 days " since with the load on courts due to the no of cases being filed both true and false the dates are normally a month apart and than when the respondent appears he would state that on the next date he would sumbit his say and there is a period where in he can even file his say within a period of 90 days and than written and oral arguments take place which would well go beyond the above quoted period than dragging the employers for cross examination etc .The more the case drags on the more a lawyer earns .
Just like when we visit a doctor when we are sick the doctor prescribes us medicines and calls you back after a period of a week or say 15 days so you visit the doctor on the next date and he takes his fees .
Now as per Tajobs point of view stated "as per law "
If the DV act too is taken into consideration the law states that within 60 days reliefs shall be provided section 18,19,20.........maintanence,RTR ,protection order etc etc . Does it happen in India is a big question mark .Its only appears on paper . Even in this forum itself if old posts are read we can see reality .
Our law is outdated CRPC 125 and so have gender biased laws come into implementation . After the colonical rule by the british nothing has changed evn though india has moved ahead in other aspects .
@ Author may we know what prompted you to file 498 A or did you do it blindly as per instructions of your counsel or did he say we shall tame them .
if 498 is filed and husband is in jail and has also lost his job than how can court tell unemployed husband okay you should beg borrow and steal is my point of view .
My point of view is that a person who is capable of reading writing and speaking english can easily take up a decent job.
I now await Mr Tajobs Reply which i am well aware he would turn twist and wriggle out of it