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John4321 (n/a)     05 December 2024

Need opinion or advice from experts

I wanted to know if a female who has been seperated since 2017 and currently she is 46 yrs old wants to get married to a male who is 44/45 fresher. So the male wants to create such an agreement that he shouldnt have any problem in future due to her past relationship any of it or her family issues. The female has a 23 yr old son and is not divorced since 2017 but seperated and son lives with her father.

Points that the male wants to include in the agreement for his safety point of view:

1. Her son's burden shouldn't come on him at any point of time from the time of her marriage througout her entire life whether alive or dead.
2. The male with whom she is going to get married doesnt want any kids. If she gives birth then the male member wont be responsible for the new kids upbringing at all.
3. The female after getting seperated in 2017 hasnt filed for divorce as her exhusband is abusive and as per her talks has got married multiple times and has got relationships with multiple females.
4. The female shouldnt claim for any property rights from her new husband or anything in cash or physical gold after getting married to him or anything that belongs to new husband as he is not so wealthy or cannot even afford and just earns his livelihood by working in call centre in night shifts. So his salary is very very minimal.
5. The male doesnt want any of her past problems to come in his future with this female or in his current life due to her  previous marriage or her son or any of her past family issues whatsoever or any of her health related issues. He shouldnt be responsible or bear any kind of expenses if any.

Any other pointers to get added in this to create an agreement would really be helpful as the male person doesnt want him to be responsible for anything of her past and to pay for it at any point of time in his present life or future due to her past problems and also he has straight away told no for any kids to be born.

Also the male wants to do court marriage with this female without any issues as he is from Mumbai and the female is from Gujarat. So whats the procedure for that would like to know in brief details for the court marraige to be done in Mumbai.


 14 Replies

S. Gupta (Legal Scholar)     05 December 2024


  1. The woman is still legally married, as no divorce has been obtained from her first husband. Without a valid divorce, any new marriage will be considered illegal under Indian law, leading to potential charges of bigamy. The first step must be to file for and finalize a divorce.

  2. Indian law does not formally recognize pre-nuptial agreements, but such agreements can still be drafted. They may hold evidentiary value in court to reflect mutual consent and expectations, but they cannot override statutory rights, especially regarding maintenance or children’s welfare.

  3. The male’s concerns can be addressed in the agreement as follows:

    • He can state that he will have no financial or other responsibilities towards the woman’s son from her first marriage. However, the child cannot legally claim maintenance from the male unless adopted.
    • A clause can mention that the couple does not intend to have children and that he will not bear responsibility for any future children. However, this may be legally unenforceable if disputes arise.
    • The agreement can specify that the woman will not claim rights over the male’s property or assets, either during the marriage or in case of separation. Still, under Section 125 of the CrPC, a court may order maintenance if the wife is unable to support herself.
    • A general clause can state that the male will not bear any burdens arising from the woman’s past marriage, family, or health issues.
  4. For a court marriage in Mumbai under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, the couple must:

    • File a Notice of Intended Marriage at the marriage registrar’s office where either party has resided for at least 30 days.
    • Submit proof of identity, address, and date of birth for both parties, along with an affidavit about marital status and nationality.
    • Wait for the 30-day objection period to pass without any objections.
    • Appear with three witnesses for the marriage and registration.
  5. The woman must provide proof of divorce before filing for the court marriage. Without this, the marriage cannot be legally registered.

  6. Both parties should consider pre-marital counseling to align expectations and address the male’s concerns about potential responsibilities. This can help foster a better understanding of the partnership.

  7. The male’s demands seem highly one-sided. While it’s fair to want clarity and boundaries, marriage involves shared challenges and responsibilities. Both should ensure that the agreement is mutual and realistic to avoid future disputes.

  8. The woman must prioritize finalizing her divorce before proceeding with any marriage plans or agreements. 

i mean this sounds like a complex issue but i really hope this answers some of your questions .  

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     05 December 2024

Any agreement toward pre nuptial conditions will not be vaid because there is no provision in law to recognise them as legally valid.

Second and most important thing is that she still remains married to her husband hence her fresh marriage without dissolving the existing marriage is invalid and will be considered as an act of bigamy and punishable under criminal law.

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John4321 (n/a)     07 December 2024

Okay the guy says he doesnt know anything much about female as she has told him that his family cannot enquire much about her in her building and all otherwise she hasnt told about her seperation to anyone in the society otherwise her name shall get spoilt due to the word of seperation and all.

2nd thing her parents expired during covid. Her 2 brothers live seperatly with their family n kids. Now she stays alone in her parents house after getting punished multiple times by her ex husband. The son lives with her husband and is now 23 yrs old and studying.

Also she told the guy that 7 years seperation is automatically counted as divorce in the court of law. So she says to the guy court shall never ask for a divorce certificate at all as 7 yrs seperation is considered as divorce as she left her exhusband's home in December 2017 and still staying alone. 

Also by hearing her entire sad story, the new guy eventually got engaged in front of his entire family with all his elders present to her in November 2024. But hasnt got married yet and after things started coming out via some sweet talks slowly slowly guy was shocked and then thought to get an agreement done rather then any unwanted consequences to be happening in future in his life.

The guys family or the guy still hasnt done any kind of enquiry about the female as he doesnt want to get her name ruined since she stays alone in her society.

So still need some pointers as to where should the guy start from where exactly and how should he proceed to make his life better and if the female is really genuine then how to protect her also.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     07 December 2024

Whether the female is genuine or not, the proposed marriage with her at the stage where she still remains legally married to her husband is invalid and the person who is desirous of marrying her despite aware of her marital status as married will also be held liable for the commission of offence under bigamy, the punishment for which is 7 years or more.

If you sympathise her and proceed with the proposed marriage there will be nobody to feel sympathy on you when you you will get into big trouble in future in this connection.

Better think it over properly and take wise decision at right time.

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John4321 (n/a)     08 December 2024

Ok can the guy stay in live in relationship then without marrying her. Would there be any problems in that according to law. Will she still be liable for the new guys property and her son's responsibility  on the new guy if she stays in live in relationship. Let me know that what does law says for that too.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     08 December 2024

Yes, he can stay with her under the live-in arrangement, there can be no legal problem for that. 

In this since she still remains legally wedded to her original husband, any claim for maintenance or property shall be confined to him alone and not against the live in partner.

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John4321 (n/a)     09 December 2024

Can an agreement be made under live in relationship about financial responsibilities and all on basis of mutual understanding between both partners. If yes then who makes such agreement.  Are there any lawyers who know what to draft exactly and how much do they charge and how much time it takes for them?

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     09 December 2024

Any agreement made in this regard may not be authentic in legal terms even if it is executed by a registered deed.

If at all she or you breach the agreement and either suffer fiscal loss then the aggrieved person may sue the other by filing a suit for recovery and in that event this deed may be used as evidence but the conditions of the deed cannot be enforced through court of law even under law of specific relief act.

lala pamme   11 December 2024

  If at all she or you breach the agreement and either suffer fiscal loss then the aggrieved person may sue the other by filing a suit for recovery and in that event this deed may be used as evidence but the conditions of the deed cannot be enforced through court of law even under law of specific relief act. block blast free.

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     11 December 2024

Live-in relationship is the only and best option.

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Anshu Sharma (LAWFINITY SOLUTI   12 December 2024

Thank you for sharing your query. It’s important to note that while creating an agreement to address concerns in a marriage is possible, certain aspects may need careful consideration:

  1. Child and Family Obligations: The male can protect himself from any future responsibility towards the female's son or any future children by including clear terms regarding financial or emotional obligations. However, child maintenance laws could still apply if the child’s welfare is at stake.

  2. Property and Assets: Both parties can mutually agree in writing that the female will not claim any property or assets from the male. However, it’s important to note that any assets acquired during the marriage, especially if co-owned, may have legal implications.

  3. Health and Past Relationships: While an agreement can stipulate that the male is not responsible for past issues, it is advisable to consult with a legal expert regarding enforceability, as some past liabilities or health matters may be outside the scope of an agreement.

  4. Court Marriage Procedure: For court marriage in Mumbai, both individuals will need to file a marriage application under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, and meet specific criteria such as age, mental capacity, and free consent. The process typically takes a few weeks after application submission.

It would be best to consult a lawyer who can draft a comprehensive agreement that addresses these points legally. Please share your contact details, and I’d be happy to assist further. You can also reach me at

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John4321 (n/a)     12 December 2024

Also the guy needs to know since the female has told to ask about this
1. Suppose if she files for divorce now after so long and her exhusband denies then whats the next procedure to be followed for getting divorce certificate.
2. After getting divorce certificate can the guy and the female both apply for the notice of intended marraige in marraige registrar office and if yes then after how much time period or still there are any other procedures to be followed after getting divorced.
3. From where can pre-marital counseling be done for both of them. Are there any people who do that for free or do they charge in Mumbai or is it done online? If there are any charges how much is it? Any contacts or references would be really helpful.
4. Also the female aadhar card and all have the name which was after her marraige. So after she gets divorced will she have to change the name again to what it was before marraige or can she get her name changed to a new one that she would get after her 2nd marraige?
5. For Marriage as you mentioned "Appear with three witnesses for the marriage and registration.". So just wanted to say from the female family side only her son and her 2 cousin sisters are supporting her for her 2nd marraige. Rest no one is coming forward to support her or fall for anything that is related to her. And from guys side his entire family is there. So is that fine or would there be any problem. Also the male has told her that he just wants her love nothing else.

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     14 December 2024

Good time pass

Helen Dam   30 December 2024

Since the female partner is currently separated but not legally divorced, she must obtain a formal divorce before entering into a new marriage. Bigamy is illegal in India, and marrying without a legal divorce can lead to serious legal consequences.


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