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priyanka (House wife)     28 March 2012

Need suggestion

Hello All Respected Sir/Madam,


Hey I need Help & Suggestion for the following points

1) My Husband is looking to get sepreated from me should i wait for divorce notice or i should file it????

2) There is no proper reason of Divorce or any valid point he have, he say that i fight with him taking his parents problems.

3) we are going to complete 3 yrs of marriage in June, we both individual never have any problem, but his parents always create miss understanding between us so we fight

4) once my husband went to USA and leaved me at my inwas place, they have tourched me alot...finally i committed sucide, but as per good wish i was saved

5) from last seven months i am staying at my mom place, earlier to this i was staying with my husband, but i came back to India. after coming to India we were in touch from calls but now from last five months we are not talking to each other. he just called me couple of times when i asked and requested him several times


6) my husband have beat me many times, many people know about this physicall and mental tourcher. this happens when his parents says negative about me


what i should do???? Can Anyone suggest me???


As i have all proof to prove me genuine, even i have all the statement before  & after marriage where my husband have said about his parents nature???

 16 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     28 March 2012

Dear Priyanka,

If your husband is not ready for a reunion it would be really tough to establish a matrimony again with him. However if you still cannot decide as to how to go about it. Your rights to get maintenance etc. are there to stay. 

priyanka (House wife)     28 March 2012

Hello sir,

Thank You Very Much....

Sir, but i don't want to give him divorced to get remmaried to another girl

Because of him, my career is lost, now very difficult to get work after 3 year

pls suggest me what i should do now

rajiv_lodha (zz)     28 March 2012

As per ur version, the marriage is dead for all practical purposes. If that man has beaten u, has not regards to ur emotions needs & does not have any place left 4 u in his point cohabiting with him. At the same time there is no point fightin a long legal battle to stop him from re-marrying............ur own life is at stake.

In My View, u shud concentrate on:

1) Getting ur jewellary, valuables back which actually belong to u

2) Quote a genuine maint. amm.

Resolve the matter via mutual consent & then get MCD to hope for a new life ahead...........which u definitely deserve.

God Bless

Mohankumar (engineer)     28 March 2012

"Sir, but i don't want to give him divorced to get remmaried to another girl"

quite disturbing statement....sorry to say that.

i second rajiv_lodha




I agree with Rajiv Lodha, Where there is no respect in a husband wife relation, just forget it and settle rather than fighting in the court for years.

Listen Priyanka YOU STILL CAN NOT STOP YOUR HUSBAND TO MAKE RELATIONS WITH ANY GIRL, He can maintain a Live In relation, What can you do in that case.

Start Afresh in life and go for the mutual settlement. 3 years have already wasted, dont waste remaining years of life for a DEAD RELATIONSHIP.

Move on with a decent settlement and start searching for a job.....

priyanka (House wife)     29 March 2012

Respected All,

Thanks a lot, but my problem is i still love him, we never had fight in our individual relationship, even i know he loves me, i beleive my in laws have made him hard core

I have devoted my 2.5 years for him & for his family, that is other thing that now no one is relasing that

I was working earlier in bangalore, i left my proffesional career for him because he want to go usa and his wish was i should stay with his family

i know this is no place for any emotion, but still i ask you all after filling case will court will give us some chance and time to understand each other once again

Right now he has not kept any wrong allegation on me, he just say that i fight with me.

chandermohan (proprieter)     29 March 2012

Dear Priyanka,

                        My situation is also same but i am a man and like you i also dont want to give divorce to my wife and want live with her. Well i am also confussed but i would like to suggest you that if you think that you love your husband and he also loves you and if there is even 1 % possibilety that you can reunion, then you should go to women cell and tell them do call your husband and you for counselling or you can go for some private counslers. I would like to ask you one more question that do you have any kid if yes then you should try your level best to resolve problem and settel down again as Child wants both mother and Father for Good Upbringing.


Vivek Malhotra




























Priyanka & Vivek

Councelling definately helps for those couples who have an intention to settle down again and have feelings left for each other.
If both go with the positive attitude then councelling is a best option.

Go for it and and the mind set should be to kill self ego, take the criticism in the positive way, improve upon ones negative traits in personality and continously strive to meet your spouse expectations thereby ensuring that Marriage works out well.

Best of luck in your endeavour for a Happy Life.

God Bless

priyanka (House wife)     29 March 2012

Hello Mr. Vivek,

Even i am confuse, what should i do, i feel that this many days are passed, still have not forgot him after facing so many problem.

No i don't have kids with me

What is women cell all about, i am not aware of this, can you pls guide me???

Hope you will also soon settle with your wife

God Will bless you





priyanka (House wife)     29 March 2012

Hello sir,


Thanks a lot for good wishes...i am not aware of any kind of councelling can you pls help me out what is all about




Go to Google and search for Women Councelling centers in your city.

Call them and tell your problem they will help you

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     29 March 2012

Try marital counselling.


And if that is also not successful, then look for amicable settlement.


Love is a concept which I have never comprehended. I love you despite you beiung cruel to me...... I need to be a massochist.


Relationships die. Better to let them rest in peace when they do.




Shonee Kapoor

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chandermohan (proprieter)     30 March 2012

Dear Priyanka,

                       Women cell is a special cell created by Police for the Justice for women.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     30 March 2012

Priyanka dear!

Right from word go...........I say the choice is urs!

I shall mention my openion only. Women cell is not an answer to ur problem. Its chaired by DUMBOES & it works under police. Whenever person involves POLICE IN MATRIMONY, chances of getting it right become neglidgible. So look b4 u leap. Get complete info about the options, how they work, be clear bout ur aim..............& then decide.

In my view, only 3 options are there 4 hubby/wife to iron out the differences & solve the problems without breaking the relationship

1) Mutual talk & open out ur heart, u both. Be realistic in ur demands...........give space too whatever feasible

2) Involve elders, whom u think ARE SINCERE

3) Take qualified professional's help for marriage councelling..............& attend mutual sessions.

There is no other way left to bring the disturbed matrimony back on track! Going to Police/Courts for either partener in search for reconcilliation may be AN END TO THE ROAD 4EVER

god bless.......................rajiv

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