Hello Friends,
I got registered married before 3.5 years under special marriage act with my GF without knowledge of my parents, this marriage was hide yet. we just made registered marriage, No marriage ceremony happened yet, We never live together as a husband & wife, I tried lots of time to bring her but she always refused by the name of her education, after that I realised she made registered marriage only to rob me, She took more than Rs. 1 lacs from me in this 3 years for her education. After lots of call I realised she is not interested to continue Life with me thats why I contacted her for mutual divorce but she is not agree then in Last month I file divorce case in Court on the ground of desertion & notice has been sent to her address for attend in court on 25 Jun 2013 But today I got her Lawyer Notice & I shocked after read Notice, all allegations are false.
1:- Marriage registered in front of my Parents
2:- Marriage Reception was celebrate in Hotel( No Name mentioned in Notice)
3:- She Live with me in My Parents Home till Sept 2012.
4:- My Parents harrash her for 3 Lacs Dowry
5:- Thats why she she left home in Sept 2012
Now I have following question in my Mind
1:- why she lie because my parent was unaware
2:- HOtel but which hotel --------------10000000% lie
3:- she never Live in my home.
4:- why she want to put my parents in trouble
5:- If she Live in my home till Sep 2012, then who complted her Education from her City, I have some document that She complted her Graduation & Post Graduation from her city
I have discussed with Advocate he said this is the normal Notice he doubt on Notice because notice is only on normal Paper not on Letter head, No stamp & No seal of Advocate no registration number. I did tried to get details of advocate but not found any details. My Lawyer called her Lawyer & he said they file DV case in her city court but still I didn't get any notice from her city court.
Please suggest me how i will proceed now.
I have already file divorce case in my city now heared from her Lawyer she file DV case in her city, How to manage case in both city. should I reply of court notice if i will get from her or i have to concentrate on Divorce case,
Friends please suggest me I am too worried