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dawleekumari (Bachelor)     07 January 2016

Dear All,

I agree with ur i filed an objection in high court with all documents..i tequested to be bold in high court..high court now asking for evidence..we clearly told that if high court will not give interim then we are ready to go to supreme court..

As he left me so i want to take revenge..

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     08 January 2016

Hi Renuka,

What type suggestion you are providing me here? He left me and now sonce last 5 year I am struggling at parents house..The way he left me, I want justice..

He is well settled at abroad.. how he can deny to pay money? I am ready to fight my case in marit..

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     08 January 2016

Hey Renuka... please stop telling all these things..

I am not boarden for my father.. i want to be self standing okey..

Just I want to take revenge on him..

Which country he can run away? where ever he go, now internet is enough to track him, okey..I will drag him to court and see what i will do for him..

fighter (Software professional)     09 January 2016

you can not touch can not do anything to him.better take mutual consent and part your will not get single penny from him.Why you want money from him?woman and man are equal.better you earn and stand on your own feet.You dont have child so he will get divorce esily.

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     09 January 2016

In Indian system all guy think that we should be slave for them..and they treat like a sh*t..

why I can not get IM? he can get marry, give torture and simply run away is it?

fighter (Software professional)     09 January 2016

In Indian system all guy think that we should be slave for them..and they treat like a sh*t.. why I can not get IM? he can get marry, give torture and simply run away is it?

He is not running away...he came to court to get legal divorce from you.He is coming from UK to attend court.If he chose to not come ,indian courts donts have power to bend him down in forein land.So respect your husband.If you want to be with him..just touch his feet in court and apologise....definitely he will forgive you.

I told in my previous and woman are equal....i also like that....i dont think woman is slave..Even man is also not slave...But in todays scenario woman think that man is slave because law is in her favour.

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     10 January 2016

Now I understodd that in LCI only few peoples are there to demoralise the girls..

Hello, just now I read and gone through court history, no girl is left out from alimony..

How u can say that I should leave from alimony?

yogendra (engineer)     10 January 2016

Now I understodd that in LCI only few peoples are there to demoralise the girls..Hello, just now I read and gone through court history, no girl is left out from alimony..How u can say that I should leave from alimony?

There are number of judgemnets wehere ailimony denied by courts.....if you dont have evidence of husband wrong will have to feed lawyer only without getting any maintenance from court.
Here is post to remove your confusion.....

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     11 January 2016

Dear Yogendra,

Just I am waiting for court order..

Don't make all these summary so that all girl will demoralize..

If u can make summary on all this, then there will million order with Interim alimony..

I know my case, how he torture and he simply playing game..

DO u think that lower court is final.. there is some place to get better judgement..okey..just watch out.

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     11 January 2016

Dear experts,

Recently I came to know that, my husbend is plaiing to change his nationality (Indian to other country) so that Indian court will have no right to seize passport, inacase he want to run away?

Is it true?

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     11 January 2016

Hey Renuka, just to ask you that, if heh change nationality then incase he want to run away from India Then do India court has right to scize his passport?

Or once we will trace his address in abroad, still can we send legal notice through ambassey? Hope that country will cooperate to me?

SuperHero (Manager)     12 January 2016

@Dawleekumar - Let us think practically - Your Husband has money to feed the Lawyer and prolong the case aslong as he wants Correct or Not??

Do you have Money, Time and Energy??? Think for yourself.

You got married 2010 - Now is 2016.. 6 Years have gone by....

You want to take revenge. So you are burning with Anger and Frustration because he mistreated you in 2010. You are still brooding the same in 2016. It is like you are still suffering in 2016.

Please post your updates. So that we all will know..What Happened in the Past, Present and in the Future.

Courts need evidences. Doesn't they??

Happy Roaming Courts - If you still want to take revenge...

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     12 January 2016

Dear Experts,

Many expertes are providing suggestions but what to step out? I know my relation what he did to me?

Just to check that his monthly salary in Indian rupee is around 170000/-..Now he is producing his house rent and his family boarden as trying to make his saving zero. He is simply playing on this..

I asked fro review in high court, how he can hide his income and show all money spending and based on that lower court can declare as zero interim for me?

If he will not give me money then I am ready to go untill supremem court..

Please suggest me..

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     16 January 2016

Dear All,

Just now my advocate is asking me to compromise the case.. But I want to fight my case in marit..

If my husband is working in UK as software engineer with handsome salary, then how much should I get? Now I appeal in high court for Interim alimony..

Please suggest on this..

dawleekumari (Bachelor)     16 January 2016

Helo Renuka,

I dont understand why u every time demoralize me..

He submitted lot of false documents and hide his income and expances in court...

Even over phone I have record that he heat me once and I am going to submit in court..He beated me, he left me in India and left me at home..He is simply running as per his lawerers advice..

I want justice.. I already told to my advocate..I want to fight untill last moment..

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