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Somu_Ji_2608 (.......)     04 June 2011

Need Urget help_whether sisters have right in property

Hi, need urgent advice on whether my sisters have right to claim share in Ancestral property in which my father had 1/3rd share given through an unregistered will by my Grandmother. My father died in Apr 2003 and my grandmother in whose favour my Grandfather's made will was died later than my father in June 2005.

Facts :- A claimed self acquired property ( but actually purchased out of Ancestral wealth) by Grandfather in New Delhi, Grandfather died in Sept 1993 & willed( unregistered) solely in favour of Gransmother, Grandmother died in June 2005 willed unregistered ( Will was made in 1996) that if the property is disposed off share would be divided among three sons ( A, B & C). Son A died in Oct 1997 leaving 1 son & 2 daughters wife also predeceased, Son B died in April 2003 leaving 1 son & 4 daughters & wife also predeceased & Son C is still alive having alive wife,a son & a daughter. Now I wanted to know in regard to Son B who died in April 2003 leaving 1 Son and 4 married daughters as class I heirs, whether  Son B's daughters have any right considering the fact that Son B died in Apr 2003 much before new HSA ammendments effected 9/9/2005.Please advice keeping in view of the applicability of HSA 1956 new ammendmenst effected 9.9.2005. Can you please answer keeping in view the applicability of all the ammendments of HSA till 2005, I am ready to meet further to engage a good councel to deal in this settlement.


 1 Replies

Harsh (Advocate)     08 June 2011



I would be able to assist in your case 

You can further contact me on

I am a practicing lawyer in Delhi.

You can contact me on 9971780620. 


Harsh Parekh


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