In general I am expressing my views. Later we will discuss about you and your wife.
1. Have you ever changed your decisions instantly when others suggested?
2. If answer is “no” you have your own views and ideas and basic character of your own which is must for every one like your wife.’
3. If answer is “yes” you are a man of without strong views and ideas and constantly changing person. Means - for example somebody told coffee is bad and instantly you stopped drinking coffee. And after some days another man said that coffee is good for health instantly you started – likewise you have been continuously changing your attitudes and ideas – just think this situation.
4. Your opinion: She has made lot of false allegations about me and my family members. – is this not allegation of you against your wife?
5. She did not follow any of the things decided between us before marriage. Why should she follow? She has her own ideas – she is following for which you are blaming.
6. In any situation, she always thinks that she is right and whatever she does should be accepted by all my family members. – like wise you are also insisting her to follow. What is difference between you and she?
7. She is not ready to learn things as they are being done in my home. Not respecting elders, talking bad about them to relatives/family friends etc., – Refer 3rd point.
8. It is clear that she has ego problem and dominating nature. - Ok she has ego problem – why don’t you try to explain and try to get her out from that ego problem as a husband.
Now let us discuss about your problem from your side.
You are thinking about you and your family members is she not your family member. She is also your family member. Just remember your sister or cousin sister’s behaviour how she behaved and reactions to the issues. You will find maximum similarities you will find between your sister and your wife.
Always try to look the situation from the side of your wife as she is new to your family. She needs time to adjust in your home. Slowly explain the terms and conditions and customs to her and try to explain her and allow her to adjust accordingly.
Try to visit homes of your friends and relatives as many as you can and understand the situations that are prevailing in those houses and their wives. You will come to understand that the issues you found worse than that of yours still they are continuing their bond of marriage.
The above discussion is about to compromise in life and definitely tshe existing stuation will change (this can also be known after examining other families you come across)
Now what will be the future of you if you decided to give divorce?
1. You will lose honor in society as a second marriage person.
2. Can you adjust with the 2nd wife
3. Can your 2nd wife adjust with you
4. If the 2nd one also like first one – can you go for 3rd marriage? In that situation must lead your life like a slave.
5. You have to give maintenance till your wife’s 2nd marriage.
After discussing the above my suggesting is
1. Try to adjust with her 2. Wait till the situation changed. 3. Her Attitude will be changed as time rolled on. 4. Let her come back and allow her to mingle in your family. 5. Always understand her behaviour and attitude in positive attitude. 6. Change yourself for her she will change for you.
Considering the above decide yourself and act accordingly
With Regards
B. Srinivasa RAo