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Broad123   01 March 2018

Need your valuable advice-my conjugal rights dismissed and wife threat and maintenance follows ?

matrimonial life last just 2 months,I filed conjugal rights ,later she filed 498a on my whole family (7 members).Now DV and maintaince 50k per month and settlement 50L.Judge asked to rejoin wife?I said yes.She refused saying false allegation i have her gold hence she dnt want to rejoin .I files one year before ,she didnt counter file yet.But female judge closed case like both not willing to join,hence case closed.what happen next?498a is still pending,DV case still in protection officer,seem soon case will be filed.what i have to do now on 1.RCR reappeal?go with merit trail? 2.498a squash on high court? apart from this to can i file any case on her, behalf of my family been abused,making them go police station collector office and court.already we have taken anti bailed for 498a,dowry ,DV. Kindly suggest me how to retaliate now?I just want to move from her and lead a new life...since she going too far with her false allegation.I'm forced to retaliate now.How can i do my move from now on? Thanks


 5 Replies


sadly our system supports female in these cases. 

what went so badly that the family had to part off in 2 months...

involvement of family members from either side fuels the situation with false & forced statements that the legal advisor feels fit to retain a case. 


not sure from which city/ town you belong to...

if you are really in love with your wife than try a professional family counselling than the counselling at courts by lawers or judges or cops... 

they would polish you both. 


don't break down. many issues have been going on for money & egos... tell te court that they are harrassing you and that they are not allowing you to be in peace in the form of a petition.

while the case is in the court and you are not living under the same roof, no other person can involve or trouble you . If they do so, by phone, e-mail, by sending person, just inform police.


Adv Radhika Mehta (Advocate)     01 March 2018

Originally posted by : Broad123
matrimonial life last just 2 months,I filed conjugal rights ,later she filed 498a on my whole family (7 members).Now DV and maintaince 50k per month and settlement 50L.Judge asked to rejoin wife?I said yes.She refused saying false allegation i have her gold hence she dnt want to rejoin .I files one year before ,she didnt counter file yet.But female judge closed case like both not willing to join,hence case closed.what happen next?498a is still pending,DV case still in protection officer,seem soon case will be filed.what i have to do now on
1.RCR reappeal?go with merit trail?
2.498a squash on high court?
apart from this to can i file any case on her, behalf of my family been abused,making them go police station collector office and court.already we have taken anti bailed for 498a,dowry ,DV.

Kindly suggest me how to retaliate now?I just want to move from her and lead a new life...since she going too far with her false allegation.I'm forced to retaliate now.How can i do my move from now on? Thanks

No Court can close or dismiss a case of RCR simpliciter because the wife does not want to join back her husband.  She did not want to join you back which is why you approached the Court for reliefs. Either your lawyer has not properly explained to you what is happening in the matter or the Judge has indeed passed a wrong order.  If it is the latter, you need to challenge it in the High Court. 

Rather than indulging in any false litigation from your end, i would advise you to work on your case, collecting evidences, proving all her cases and complaints as false. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     02 March 2018

If marriage can be saved, nothing like IT.

If IT is not possible and separation is the only recourse then prefer MCD on mutually acceptable terms.

If anyone has been perturbed then IT might be possible to proceed against perpetor per irrefutable evidences.


Prove the charges/allegations of spouse and others as false..

Approach a very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in Family matters and having successful track record ……and worth his/her salt……

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     03 March 2018

RCR notice is a time tested tool to compel wife to raise true/false complaint of dowry/domestic violence against husband with family including married/unmarried brother/sisters wit/without their spouse.  This way husband leaves her with no choice but to spoil his family even if she does not want to do so.


This forum is full of such cases where husband with  parents/siblings faced such criminal charges. 


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