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UJAS DHARAMSHI (Corporate Lawyer)     14 January 2009

Needed Law intership.

 I am UJAS P. DHARAMSHI and looking for law internship in Mumbai.  

I am in 4th Year BLS/LLB in Rizvi Law College, Mumbai passed 3 year BL/LLB with 61%.. I have 6 months experience in Criminal Field.

I possess excellent communication skills and proficiency in drafting. I have adequate Knowledge of  Computers from DTP, MS-Office, Tally, Intenet etc.

 10 Replies


Thanx Md. Ahmed for providing helpful websites.

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     17 January 2009




The Department of Legal Affairs in the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India, New Delhi, has been receiving requests from time to tome from individual Law students for internship training as per the requirements of their course of study. The Department has also been receiving requests from various Law Colleges to give practical exposure to their students on the working of the Ministry.

In the above back-drop, the Department of Legal Affairs constituted a Committee comprising of Shri Mohan Prasaran, Ld. Additional Solicitor General, Professor (Dr.) K.N.Chandrashekharan Pillai, Director, Indian Law Institute and Shri K.D.Singh, the then Additional Secretary in the Department of Legal Affairs, to frame guidelines for providing training to interns from the Law schools. Based on the recommendations of this Committee, it has since been decided by the Government to provide internship training to Law students from the National law Schools in the country subject to the following:

(i) The National Law Schools would be requested by the Department of Legal Affairs to nominate students of the 4th or the 5th year of LLB course. In exceptional cases, the 3rd year students may also be considered.

(ii) The minimum duration of internship will be four weeks.

(iii) The selected interns would be required to either work exclusively for the Central Agency Section (CAS) of the Department of Legal Affairs in assisting the Government panel counsels in drafting pleadings, preparation of case analysis and other types of legal work undertaken in the CAS. Some of the interns could also be allocated, subject to the exigencies of the work of the Central Agency Section, to work as interns under Union Law Officers, including Attorney General for India, Solicitor General of India and Additional Solicitors General of India.

(iv) No financial assistance shall be provided by the Government to the Law students who are accepted for internship training.

(v) (On completion of the internship training, a certificate will be issued by an authorized officer of the Department of Legal Affairs to the concerned internee on the basis of the certificate signed by the officer under whom the internship was organized.

UJAS DHARAMSHI (Corporate Lawyer)     17 January 2009

Thank you Mr. AHMED for your very important information. Well but where to contactthem and get in touch with them? What are the requisities or joining them? Also it will be of great importance if you can disclose some other sources for internship?

THank you once again SIR!

ritu bhadana (advocate)     11 March 2009

 thanku mr. ahmed for the valuable websites

Vasant Kumar (Lawyer)     12 May 2009

Thank you sir for this valid information...even i am looking fo internship programe.

I think this will be useful.

Navrati Dongre (student)     27 September 2009

thank u so much sir for this information which is going to help us in making contacts with reputed ngos and firms.

thanks for guiding us

Vishal Indraprasad Dwivedi (Student)     14 December 2010

Hello Sir I am Vishal Dwivedi studying in Rizvi Law College mumbai in Final Year of BLS LLB

Coarse. I am Looking for the 3years internship under Solicitor, if you have any option for me

then please suggest me.

priyanka pai (Advocate)     03 January 2011

Thank you Mr. Ahmed for valuable information relating to internship. I am a 4th year law student from GLC, Mumbai and looking forward to internship training.

sneha sawani   31 May 2017

Hi dharmshi I want to ask u smethng Nw im apperd 3rd yr bls/llb so which books or notes i prefer further??

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