Yograj R Vayeda 11 June 2018
Raghav Arora 12 June 2018
Dear! This is a never ending debate and something that cannot be objectified. In my opinion, you should be regularly attending the college first and completing your studies. Try to gain practical knowledge side by side by going in for meaningful internships in your winter and summer breaks. Also push yourself into other extrta curriculars like Moot court and MUNs.
It is true that you don't get the true breeze of this profession until and unless you start practicing in courts . The books will not impart what real life experiences would but will give you a base for your future. However, if it was totally unnecessary,why do colleges even exist ? You learn the laws in classrooms and execute them in the courts and before you go in for execution you should have the knowledge of the prevailing laws. If you do not attend your classes regularly and don't pay attention to the lessons, you may be one good lawyer someday but before that you will have to suffer a lot in the initial stages. But If the foundations are strong from the beginning, the future is less vulnerable for you. So attend college fairly regular, participate in Moots and stuff, Intern at quality offices and the have a good practice slow and steady. Good Luck!
R.Ramachandran (Advocate) 12 June 2018
A very sane and sensible advice from Mr. Raghav Arora.