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Karunya   27 March 2022

Neighbour causing problems and stopping my house construction for 12 years now due to setback related issues

The neighbour on the left side of our plot has been causing issues ever since we initiated our house construction 12 years ago. Each time we try to initiate the house construction, he has been causing some or the other issue and stopping us from constructing by going to the court and bringing a stay order. Every time the court gives use permission to continue with the construction, he comes up with new ideas to stop the construction. Just recently the court gave us permission to continue construction, so we initiated the construction and completed till the foundation level for the 3rd time. At the moment, he has put a case on the BBMP commissioner saying they haven’t checked my house plans and that we have not left 3+ feet setback on all sides (according to the plan we have left 3.3 ft setback on my neighbour’s side and 2 feet on the other sides). The engineers from BBMP came and now they have asked us to stop construction again. There is a court hearing next month. Mine is a 30x40 site in OAR Bangalore. In my locality nobody has left more that 2 feet setback, damn, that neighbour who is causing the issue has hardly left 1.5 feet on 2 of the sides and has not left setback on the front and on our side. We have been very patient all this while and just fighting for our case in court. But now we cannot take it anymore. Is there anything we can do to him officially? Like maybe put some case on him so he’ll stop doing this to us?


 1 Replies

Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     29 March 2022

check the BBMP rules and guidlines , BBMP cant over ride the permission of the court . If they are doing so make them party also in that case by moving application u/o 1 rule 10 cpc. feel free to call.

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