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Syed (employee)     25 December 2020

Neighbour nuisance

Respected sir,

Here i am giving details of problems facing with neighbour. we are situated at Nellore from Andhra Pradesh. beside our house a familiy is living, they use to lite wood fire for hot water for bath purpose at their backyard. due to this fire all smoke enters in our house thru windows. it is very hard to breath with this smoke. we take this problem in  front of our neighbour, instead of solving the problem they say " we can't block the smoke, naturally it will come". if we talk more they will start quarreling with us. then we helplessly close our windows.

They use to run a small tea and breakfast shop, all their customer park inform of our gate all their tea cups and other papers throwing in front of our gate. we can not fight with them.

please help me how can i proceed legally to overcome from this issue.


Best Regards,

Syed Umar

 4 Replies

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     25 December 2020

Get a police diary against the perpetrators. Move a petition under section 107, 200 and 133 crpc before the concerned Magistrate. On the other hand I believe your area comes under the municipal corporation, please give a written complaint to the authority for shifting the shop.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     26 December 2020

Where will the neighbour prepare his meals, what is your suggestion if you are in his shoes ?

Subhash chandra Pratihar   27 December 2020

complaint to municipality first waitpl

P. Venu (Advocate)     27 December 2020

Before precipitating any action, you have the option to serve a legal notice, of course, if the alleged nuisance is not trivial.

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