Govt is passing new law favouring women - she will get equal share of husband's property on divorce. If she wants to dissolve the marriage on harrassment she can get the divorce without giving any proof of harrassment - IS THIS JUSTIFIED - IST IT NOT CONTRADICTING 'RCR'. If the lady is a con-women will she also get equal share in husband's property - IS THIS JUSTICE.
Isnt it that Govt is going against the Institution of Marriage because if this becomes the LAW of the Land then no men will ever wish to get married and face the brunt of the marital life. Why for few bad people the entire men faternity should be punished.
The new Law says that if the husband files a divorce case the wife has the right to refuse - there is ambiquity in this because it is not mentioned that if the wife files a divorce does the husband has the right to refuse the divorce - THIS SHOULD ALSO BE CONSIDERED. IF NOT THEN THIS AGAIN GOING AGAINST THE 'RCR'
It is said in Law that "NO INNOCENT SHOULD BE PUNISHED" then isnt it that the Consitution of Law is contradicting its own principle. IS THIS JUSTIFIED - EVERY CITIZEN IS EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW OF THE LAND then why this special treatment to WOMEN/WIVES without even giving TRIAL to the MEN/HUSBANDS