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MANDARAMANISHA (X)     25 April 2017

New lease written up by defendant during suit pending

1.       My brother forged my signature and got registered my property under his name in the year 2010.
2.       I filed Civil suit to cancel/void the sales deeds.
3.       The Renter's stopped paying rents for last 7 years
4.       My brother never appeared for court proceedings as a Defendant
5.       The Judgement is pending and the results are  about to come in a month or two
But there is sudden development  in the month of January 2017
6.       My brother signed a new lease  with a brand new tenant  in the month of January 2017  and took the advance deposit money.
7.       I threatened and told the new tenant saying My brother is not a valid owner and forged my signature on the sale deeds.
8.       New tenant got convinced but he is asking me the deposit money that he paid to my brother. 
9.       New tenant doesn’t want to take any action on my brother but he wants money from me otherwise he will not vacate the property.
Please help me regarding the below questions
1.       Does the new lease has any validity once the Judge cancels forged sale deed.
2.       What will happen to the Lease that  was signed between my brother and Tenant.
3.       Am I obligated to pay the money which I did not receive.


 4 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     25 April 2017

There is no relationship between you and  the present lesseee .  As the matter is subjudice, wait patiently for the verdict.  Contact your advocate and if needed Publish notice in news papers and fiel  criminal complaints.  When one Advocate is dealing in the issue, do not displease him with consultations outside.  Follow his advice, as ultimate he that has to stand by you and support locally.

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P. Venu (Advocate)     25 April 2017

Everything depends upon the terms of the Judgment,

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MANDARAMANISHA (X)     25 April 2017

Thanks a lot for answering my question.  Your reply is very thoughtful and I like your suggestion regarding working with my lawyer.

MANDARAMANISHA (X)     25 April 2017

Thank You Sir.

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