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alpesh (consultant)     29 July 2010

New property document


Can anyone tell me the list of document one should check for the property to be purchased.

I need to know this for buying new home in Mumbai. I need to know ehaustive list of docments to be checked and how to check there authenticity before actually entering in to agreement to buy.





 2 Replies

Mugundhan (Lawyer)     29 July 2010

1. The original title deed of the seller

2. Antecedent documents

3. Encumbrance Certificate for at least 30 years

4. Patta copy or other revenue records

5. Tax Payment receipts

These are the basic documents. For more information obtain legal opinion from a local lawyer. Best of Luck

Chandrasekhar (Asst Manager)     02 August 2010

You have to check the following documents 

1.         Latest Sale Deed

2.         Link documents for 26 to 30 Years 

3.         Encumbrance Certficate for at least 30 years     

4.         Pattadar Pass Booko             

5.         Title Deed                      

6.         10-1 and Adangal             

7.         Land Tax Receipt for ascertaining the title

8.         Land Enjoyment Certificate    

9.         No Tax Due Certificate from VAO.

10.         Death Certificate, if applicable          

11.       Legal Heir Cert if, Applicable    

12.       Verification/Tally Survey No & Extent with the Revenue Authorities

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