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Mint (none)     25 June 2014

News article in time of india about adultery

I read a news article in Time of India which basically said that facebook and other online intimate chats outside of marriage are an admissible forms of evidence in court to prove adultery. Here is the link to be more precise:

Anyone of the legal experts on this forum have comments/thoughts/opinions based on their real life experiences dealing with such cases?



 2 Replies

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     25 June 2014

Mint you have impart a valuable information to the needy person, this evidence is admissible in the court it comes under electronic evidence u/s of 65B of Indian evidence act .

Anil (salesman)     06 May 2015

Sir, Can these be ruled out under article 21 of Privacy to person or it is valid evidence under 65B


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