Let me tell you something that you may not digest-
Your application is not well written and that's why your application got rejected and i am sure any such application written in this manner is liable to get rejected at first instance because of prevailing vagueness . Here are some points,I see,in your application,missing-
1.Mentioning the way(in this case RTI 2005) under which you are seeking the information of.
2.Clarity of information you seek.
3.Mentioning the postal order number
and so on.
I am attaching herewith a sample/original application that will tell you how to seek information correctly.
Now if you gone through the correct procedure,your application accepted,and yet if you are not part with the information you seek,make subsequent appeals
you can lodge the complaint with CIC by the following website
Also,I recommend you to visit the website
Advice- Make afresh request.
Hope that helps
Note-This reply should be taken as per the declaration given in my home page.