What is violence in DV ?
Please download the attached file to know details about DV (Domestic Violence). DV is quashi-civil case.( i.e. neither civil not criminal in nature). DV itself is not punishable until it is not converted to 498A, 323, 325 - - - - any IPCs. Maintenance of DV is executed as per 125 CrPC.
Is asking from wife to whom u r talking on phone in odd hours?
- - - Prima-Facies are not chargeable at all in any IPCs. So don't worry.
And further no one has beat her from my family which she had written in her complaint.
There should be evidence like medical report from government hospital. The doctor should be cross- examined to prove this. I guess they don't have it so don't worry.
Please advice if violence not proved still i have to pay maintenance and residence orders etc and on this basis i will get divorce or not ?
If cruelty is not proved then she is ineligible for any this type of reliefs. Please collect all her employment history and produce in the court.
How to protect us.
Generally these corrupted people will never bother to prove anything in the court rather prolongate the process to get interim relief any harass you and black-mail you. Our law and judiciary system is also corrupted and has pre-convicted notion of view and helps them to prolongate. Lawyers will always try to seduce and extort you.
Please take -
a) Speedy Trial / Proceedings (Writ Petition in High Court) [Priority 1]
b) Perjury (CrPC 340 read with 195 CrPC) [Priority 2]
c) Extortion (383 IPC read with 384 IPC. Extortion) [Police complain like FIR or sue in the court as private complain. Priority 3]
- - As your weapon to fight against it.
It is also advisable to fight in-person (Without Advocates).
Please read each of my posts carefully in the following links for sample petitions and other necessary clues.