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Nisha sharma dowry case 2003 ............... ?????

Hi Friends,

First of all, Advance wishes for HOLI ocassion to ma all dear LCI friends.

Hope you all know about, Nisha Sharma vs Munish Dalal case related to DOWRY demanding at the time of marriage.

After nine years, Munish & ors accquitted from the case filed by Nisha sharma.

I want to share news of this case. 2003 vs 2012 ............

Story in 2003,

Story in 2012,


So be brave and stand straight against ................., Keep in mind:  TRUTH to WIN for always & forever.

So never bow down in front of defaulters, Fight till the last breathe irrespect of any threat.

What's your view's related to this case :

. Is Nisha do the right thing with munish ?    (09years valuable life spoiled of both one)

. or now Munish plan to do the right thing with Nisha & ors ?


Best of luck to all innocent victim of fake dowry cases as well innocent of this case too.


Friedns, Please share your views.



Abhinatre Gupt.

 22 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     03 March 2012

Yes Mr. Gupt

I agree with your point that truth always win


i want to ask a simple question:

could the indian judicial sysem return the 9yrs of munish's life back to him and his family?

could now indian judicial system arrest and send nisha to jail for 9 yrs.?

i know that the answer to both these questiones are "NO".

the indian police system arrested munish based on nisha's empty claim. there was never an evidence in the hand of police in support of dowry. then why police arrest munish?

i am telling again and again, that arresting somebody based on claim and not on evidence will reduce the image of indian judiciary and police system to nothing.

i hope, this kind of evil practice of indian judiciary and police system will soon be over.

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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 March 2012

Family Law forum Poll Que.: Is CBI better bet for rescuing Indian Husbands in a national epidemic situation called gender biased Laws of India?

PhD background gyan to facilitate your voting are as follow;

Gyan one - Indian Police first makes arrests of Indian Husband and his side of family including family's pet dog at dead of night and then fiddles to find evidences and then releases Indian husbands due to whole drama being sentiments and emotional biaseness managed.

Gyan two
 - Whereas CBI first tries to find evidence and then pieces together alleged crime (mental cruelties due to dowry and dowry death) and then recommends State to make arrest in day time and later State releases Indian husbands due to weak standard of evidences necessary to bring in conviction .

Now those who say AYES cast their vote here by saying sweet and simple "Ayes"  

and those who say
NAYES are anyhow going to learn Newton’s Third Law of Motion maximum by next 9 years so oh readers make wise choice while casting your precious vote on this first ever Poll conducted under Family law Forum of LCI by alleged approval of even Admin .…………..

3 Like

Swapnil Shirodkar (Process Control Engineer)     03 March 2012


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Pavitra Prabhakar (MBA)     03 March 2012

State should now awaken from their KUMBHKARAN NEEND , not just 498a , all other similar acts should be AMENDED IMMEDIATELY.

women commision and other bodies should take the greviences suffered by MUNISH'S MOTHER AND AUNT, IN THEIR ACCOUNT. AND come forward with unbiased suggestions.

the day is not far away when people will stop marrying due to dowry phobia courtsey NISHA SHARMA LIKES.

bhima balla (none)     03 March 2012


Who said her life has been ruined? She 'happily married' a hardware engineer, after six months , in 2003 itself, while Munish Dalal and his Mother and aunt were languishing in jail for precious nine years. The Mother and aunt must have gone through extraordinary ordeal. This is typical-police just arrest anyone based on the word of the bride/ wife or anyone else! It takes less than 10 minutes to ruin multiple lives-while the bride, as in this case, typically continues to enjoy her life, as though nothing happened! Look at the picture of her sitting in front of the 'wedding gifts'. The bride side planned the lavish weddings and then after hogging the limelight both nationally and internationally,then quietly marries another guy in a hush hush ceremony? This case is typical.But not many husband's family are fighting to undo the injustice. This is due to a corrupt system, expenses for bail and other things, loss of job, reputation etc. This family has fought bravely as has several others who have been acquitted against all odds. The cases are fought by the government ( with all the money, manpower, power and other resources) on the wife/ bride/DIL side while the husband/bridegroom 's side fight alone with their own meagre resources. The odds are overwhelming. Yet the Dalals have fought this.That is amazing! It shows the resilience of these people to fight against extreme odds. Now there may be an appeals process-which the Dalals have to contend again.The battle is not over yet.

In the words of Neil Armstrong (with a twist) 'It is a big step for Dalals but a much larger step for 'man'kind!

A few things to notice:

1) The wedding was in trouble- for acts of the bride in the past.

2) This came to light due to the bride's 'boyfriend' showing up at the wedding.

3) The boyfriend's presence put the character of the girl in question in front of her relatives and family. DDSharma appears to have covered up and cheated Mr Dalal and family-who despite her boyfriend's call continued with the wedding, as opposed to cancelling it!

4) The bride's reputation was at stake. Her future life was at stake. Who is going to have the will to marry someone whose family hides and cheats? And who would marry a bride who has hidden her past?

5) Hence the bride uses the easy and powerful weapon'the 'women empowerment laws'. The government machinery gets involved to unleash tyranny against common citizens.

6) The bride hogs the limelight as the new heroine, superwoman-cuddled by national and international media.

7) The bride quietly marries away from the limelight, while the hapless groom's side languishes under the onslaught of a corrupt system!

8) Now, the bride is a wife of another and this loss is a serious problem, now in her 'married' life.She has now a fate where she will fall from being hero to zero and  even a villain. How is her standing going to be in the household she is in? To prevent this debacle and reversal of fortunes, the Sharma's have one alternative, that is to drag this case! They will appeal against the verdict, not so much because they are wronged,  but to save their reputation.But this will be at the cost of Dalal family.

The appeal will drag on for a few more years.The ordeal continues for Dalals. If they win the appeals they would have lost some more precious time and money.

How is the system going to compensate them?

Swapnil Shirodkar (Process Control Engineer)     03 March 2012

Now there is a doubt raising on my mind!!!!! Was the Family charged under sec 498A???? I mean.... persons can only be called husbands and wife when they are married.. but in this case they were not... under what section were they arrested on when Munshi dalal was never her husband..... as far as my knowledge goes, they were in Jail for 2 months and not 9 years . They were out on Bail in 2 months


Looking at the Above Link, its Like she's been Made Heroine for "Dowry Law", and in many Books, Journals & School Syllabus... she has given many Inerviews for Getting Quick Fame by ruining Lives of Munish's family. On One single Complaint withour Investigation, its like whole system has rotten Munish's Family in this Nine years. All because she wanted to marry someone else.........

Now to Notice this Media is prooven "Wrong"  for not understanding Situation and Publicise this Lady for their Pet Puja, Now Same Media is doing again.. By publishing Anti Male stories WITHOUT hearing the Husband's Version of make their Stand politically Correct.

I really loved Munish's Approch where he blasted Media for supporting liers nine years before..



Aishwarya (Teacher)     03 March 2012


bhima balla (none)     03 March 2012


Sure they got bail. But that means that they are not in a small jail cell only. Now the entire country has become their larger 'jail'! Why?-Because they are still bound by bail conditions.They can be called for interrogation as per the wishes of the I/O. They cannot leave the country. Hence, bail means only they are not confined to a small space. And bail can be cancelled on any violation and they can be confined to a small space yet again-there is fear of that always! So bail although it means much-still doesn't mean much! It is only a start. Ofcourse the law states they cannot be 'jailed' without trial for longer than 90 days. The Malimath committe recommends a change for the future where custody can extend beyond that! So things are in the works.

They were booked under DP act probably and this also is non bailable, cognizable and non compoundable!

bhima balla (none)     03 March 2012


Originally posted by :bhima balla
A few things to notice:

1) The wedding was in trouble- for acts of the bride in the past.

2) This came to light due to the bride's 'boyfriend' showing up at the wedding.

3) The boyfriend's presence put the character of the girl in question in front of her relatives and family. DDSharma appears to have covered up and cheated Mr Dalal and family-who despite her boyfriend's call continued with the wedding, as opposed to cancelling it!

4) The bride's reputation was at stake. Her future life was at stake. Who is going to have the will to marry someone whose family hides and cheats? And who would marry a bride who has hidden her past?

5) Hence the bride uses the easy and powerful weapon'the 'women empowerment laws'. The government machinery gets involved to unleash tyranny against common citizens.

6) The bride hogs the limelight as the new heroine, superwoman-cuddled by national and international media.

7) The bride quietly marries away from the limelight, while the hapless groom's side languishes under the onslaught of a corrupt system!

8) Now, the bride is a wife of another and this loss is a serious problem, now in her 'married' life.She has now a fate where she will fall from being hero to zero and  even a villain. How is her standing going to be in the household she is in? To prevent this debacle and reversal of fortunes, the Sharma's have one alternative, that is to drag this case! They will appeal against the verdict, not so much because they are wronged,  but to save their reputation.But this will be at the cost of Dalal family.

The appeal will drag on for a few more years.The ordeal continues for Dalals. If they win the appeals they would have lost some more precious time and money.

How is the system going to compensate them?

 Disclaimer: The above is only a probable scenario from the available data.The facts are only known to the parties and the hon'ble court.


As per court: Nisha sharma unable to proove allegation's over munish.

Then she must be penalised too with the jail term applicable over that particular section.

Life & carrier of one is spoiled due to her act as well of Munish family members too.

No mercy over these type of ..............

BOL munish to you & your family member's in further life, SAI bless you for now & forever.



Abhinatre Gupt.


i agree completely.

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